With 79 biographies, Sociologists are the 77th most common occupation in Pantheon, behind Geologists, Diplomats, and Geographers.
Pantheon has 79 people classified as sociologists born between 1838 and 1960. Of these 79, 17 (21.52%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living sociologists include Anthony Giddens, Manuel Castells, and Saskia Sassen. The most famous deceased sociologists include Max Weber, Émile Durkheim, and Pierre Bourdieu. As of April 2024, 10 new sociologists have been added to Pantheon including T. H. Marshall, Peter Blau, and Henri Hubert.
Living Sociologists
Go to all RankingsAnthony Giddens
1938 - Present
HPI: 73.25
Manuel Castells
1942 - Present
HPI: 69.36
Saskia Sassen
1947 - Present
HPI: 64.14
Mark Granovetter
1943 - Present
HPI: 60.91
Randall Collins
1941 - Present
HPI: 59.06
Gøsta Esping-Andersen
1947 - Present
HPI: 57.50
Raewyn Connell
1944 - Present
HPI: 57.34
Jeffrey C. Alexander
1947 - Present
HPI: 56.47
Claus Offe
1940 - Present
HPI: 56.42
George Ritzer
1940 - Present
HPI: 56.14
Michael Mann
1942 - Present
HPI: 55.42
Arlie Russell Hochschild
1940 - Present
HPI: 54.99
Deceased Sociologists
Go to all RankingsMax Weber
1864 - 1920
HPI: 87.12
Émile Durkheim
1858 - 1917
HPI: 84.41
Pierre Bourdieu
1930 - 2002
HPI: 78.56
Theodor W. Adorno
1903 - 1969
HPI: 78.26
Robert K. Merton
1910 - 2003
HPI: 76.52
Georg Simmel
1858 - 1918
HPI: 76.21
Talcott Parsons
1902 - 1979
HPI: 75.24
Erving Goffman
1922 - 1982
HPI: 73.98
Norbert Elias
1897 - 1990
HPI: 72.43
Marcel Mauss
1872 - 1950
HPI: 72.32
Ulrich Beck
1944 - 2015
HPI: 71.47
Immanuel Wallerstein
1930 - 2019
HPI: 71.12
Newly Added Sociologists (2024)
Go to all RankingsT. H. Marshall
1893 - 1981
HPI: 57.96
Peter Blau
1918 - 2002
HPI: 56.01
Henri Hubert
1872 - 1927
HPI: 55.27
Louis Wirth
1897 - 1952
HPI: 54.71
Boris Kagarlitsky
1958 - Present
HPI: 54.41
Göran Therborn
1941 - Present
HPI: 54.08
John Urry
1946 - 2016
HPI: 52.36
Rodney Stark
1934 - 2022
HPI: 50.66
Grażyna Gęsicka
1951 - 2010
HPI: 48.58
John Bellamy Foster
1953 - Present
HPI: 46.86
Most sociologists were born in United States (27), Germany (11), and France (8). By city, the most common birth places were London (5), Berlin (4), and New York City (3).The most common death places of sociologists were United States (29), France (9), and United Kingdom (7). By city, these were Paris (6), London (5), and Munich (3).
Places Over Time
The earliest biographies classified as sociologists in Pantheon are Maksim Kovalevsky, Gabriel Tarde, and Ludwig Gumplowicz. The concentration of sociologists was largest during the Radio & Film Era, which lasted from 1900 to 1949. Some birth or death locations for earlier sociologists are unknown, which may account for timeline differences below.
Which Sociologists were alive at the same time? This visualization shows the lifespans of the 25 most globally memorable Sociologists since 1700.