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Pantheon 2.0 datasets

2020 Person Dataset
A bzip compressed comma delimited file containing a row of data per person found in the Panthon 2.0 version released in 2020.
2019 Person Dataset
A bzip compressed comma delimited file containing a row of data per person found in the Panthon 2.0 version released in 2019.

Pantheon 1.0 datasets

A tab delimited file containing a row of data per person found in the Panthon 1.0 dataset.
A tab delimited file of all the different Wikipedia language editions that each biography has a presence in.
A file containing the monthly pageview data for each individual, for all the Wikipedia language editions in which they have a presence.

Please refer to the methods section for more information on how this data was created. For detailed descriptions of these datasets, please refer to our data descriptor paper.

If you use the Pantheon dataset, please cite: Yu, A. Z., et al. (2016). Pantheon 1.0, a manually verified dataset of globally famous biographies. Scientific Data 2:150075. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2015.75