With 90 biographies, Diplomats are the 75th most common occupation in Pantheon, behind Anthropologists, Baseball Players, and Geologists.
Pantheon has 90 people classified as diplomats born between 1350 BC and 1978. Of these 90, 30 (33.33%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living diplomats include Ban Ki-moon, John R. Bolton, and Mohamed ElBaradei. The most famous deceased diplomats include Pocahontas, Kofi Annan, and John Jay. As of April 2024, 17 new diplomats have been added to Pantheon including Saburō Kurusu, Adam von Trott zu Solz, and Ambrogio Contarini.
Living Diplomats
Go to all RankingsBan Ki-moon
1944 - Present
HPI: 75.08
John R. Bolton
1948 - Present
HPI: 72.40
Mohamed ElBaradei
1942 - Present
HPI: 71.69
Antony Blinken
1962 - Present
HPI: 69.19
Édith Cresson
1934 - Present
HPI: 66.85
Irina Bokova
1952 - Present
HPI: 65.92
Hans Blix
1928 - Present
HPI: 65.49
Amr Moussa
1936 - Present
HPI: 63.56
William J. Burns
1956 - Present
HPI: 61.82
Victoria Nuland
1961 - Present
HPI: 60.05
Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein
1947 - Present
HPI: 59.37
Christiana Figueres
1956 - Present
HPI: 58.97
Deceased Diplomats
Go to all RankingsPocahontas
1595 - 1617
HPI: 84.81
Kofi Annan
1938 - 2018
HPI: 80.33
John Jay
1745 - 1829
HPI: 79.55
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
1754 - 1838
HPI: 78.99
Gaius Marius
157 BC - 86 BC
HPI: 78.91
Dag Hammarskjöld
1905 - 1961
HPI: 77.36
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
1922 - 2016
HPI: 75.40
Alexandra Kollontai
1872 - 1952
HPI: 75.35
Ferdinand de Lesseps
1805 - 1894
HPI: 73.88
Raoul Wallenberg
1912 - 1947
HPI: 73.68
Lucien Bonaparte
1775 - 1840
HPI: 73.62
Madeleine Albright
1937 - 2022
HPI: 73.24
Newly Added Diplomats (2024)
Go to all RankingsSaburō Kurusu
1886 - 1954
HPI: 59.15
Adam von Trott zu Solz
1909 - 1944
HPI: 57.81
Ambrogio Contarini
1429 - 1499
HPI: 57.68
Jacques Diouf
1938 - 2019
HPI: 53.30
Vasily Nebenzya
1962 - Present
HPI: 53.01
Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo
1940 - Present
HPI: 52.77
Wendy Sherman
1949 - Present
HPI: 52.21
Adolph Dubs
1920 - 1979
HPI: 50.98
Peter Maurer
1956 - Present
HPI: 50.30
Sumner Welles
1892 - 1961
HPI: 49.48
Janez Lenarčič
1967 - Present
HPI: 49.39
Zhao Lijian
1972 - Present
HPI: 47.95
Most diplomats were born in United States (21), France (5), and Italy (5). By city, the most common birth places were New York City (4), Cairo (3), and Boston (3).The most common death places of diplomats were United States (10), United Kingdom (6), and Russia (6). By city, these were Moscow (4), Paris (3), and Rome (2).
Places Over Time
The earliest biographies classified as diplomats in Pantheon are Gaius Marius, Megasthenes, and Zannanza. The concentration of diplomats was largest during the Radio & Film Era, which lasted from 1900 to 1949. Some birth or death locations for earlier diplomats are unknown, which may account for timeline differences below.
Which Diplomats were alive at the same time? This visualization shows the lifespans of the 25 most globally memorable Diplomats since 1700.