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The Most Famous

SKATERS from Slovakia

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This page contains a list of the greatest Slovak Skaters. The pantheon dataset contains 483 Skaters, 1 of which were born in Slovakia. This makes Slovakia the birth place of the 27th most number of Skaters behind Belgium and Denmark.

Top 2

The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary Slovak Skaters of all time. This list of famous Slovak Skaters is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.

Photo of Ondrej Nepela

1. Ondrej Nepela (1951 - 1989)

With an HPI of 55.29, Ondrej Nepela is the most famous Slovak Skater.  His biography has been translated into 29 different languages on wikipedia.

Ondrej Nepela (22 January 1951 – 2 February 1989) was a Slovak figure skater who represented Czechoslovakia. He was the 1972 Olympic champion, a three-time World champion (1971–1973), and a five-time European champion (1969–1973). Later in his career, he performed professionally and became a coach.

Photo of Jozef Sabovčík

2. Jozef Sabovčík (1963 - )

With an HPI of 40.88, Jozef Sabovčík is the 2nd most famous Slovak Skater.  His biography has been translated into 15 different languages.

Jozef (Jumping Joe) Sabovčík (born 4 December 1963) is a Slovak figure skater who competed representing Czechoslovakia. He is the 1984 Olympic bronze medalist, a two-time European champion (1985 and 1986), and a six-time Czechoslovak national champion. His quad toe loop at the 1986 European Championships was originally approved as the first quad jump landed in competition, but a few weeks later it was deemed invalid due to a touchdown with his free foot.

Pantheon has 2 people classified as skaters born between 1951 and 1963. Of these 2, 1 (50.00%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living skaters include Jozef Sabovčík. The most famous deceased skaters include Ondrej Nepela. As of April 2022, 1 new skaters have been added to Pantheon including Jozef Sabovčík.

Living Skaters

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Deceased Skaters

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Newly Added Skaters (2022)

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