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This page contains a list of the greatest Iranian Engineers. The pantheon dataset contains 389 Engineers, 1 of which were born in Iran. This makes Iran the birth place of the 42nd most number of Engineers behind South Africa, and Syria.

Top 1

The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary Iranian Engineers of all time. This list of famous Iranian Engineers is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.

Photo of Anousheh Ansari

1. Anousheh Ansari (b. 1966)

With an HPI of 50.51, Anousheh Ansari is the most famous Iranian Engineer.  Her biography has been translated into 51 different languages on wikipedia.

Anousheh Ansari (Persian: انوشه انصاری; née Raissyan; born September 12, 1966) is an Iranian American engineer and co-founder and chairwoman of Prodea Systems. Her previous business accomplishments include serving as co-founder and CEO of Telecom Technologies, Inc. (TTI). The Ansari family is also the title sponsor of the Ansari X Prize. On September 18, 2006, a few days after her 40th birthday, she became the first Iranian in space. Ansari was the fourth overall self-funded space tourist, and the first self-funded woman to fly to the International Space Station. Her memoir, My Dream of Stars, co-written with Homer Hickam, was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2010. She is the CEO of the X Prize Foundation.


Pantheon has 1 people classified as Iranian engineers born between 1966 and 1966. Of these 1, 1 (100.00%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living Iranian engineers include Anousheh Ansari.

Living Iranian Engineers

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