The Most Famous
COMPOSERS from Albania
This page contains a list of the greatest Albanian Composers. The pantheon dataset contains 1,451 Composers, 1 of which were born in Albania. This makes Albania the birth place of the 54th most number of Composers behind Venezuela, and Liechtenstein.
Top 1
The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary Albanian Composers of all time. This list of famous Albanian Composers is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.

1. John Koukouzelis (1280 - 1360)
With an HPI of 64.25, John Koukouzelis is the most famous Albanian Composer. His biography has been translated into 18 different languages on wikipedia.
John Koukouzeles Papadopoulos (Greek: Ιωάννης Κουκουζέλης Παπαδόπουλος, romanized: Ioannis Koukouzeles Papadopoulos) was a Byzantine composer, singer and reformer of Byzantine chant. He was recognized as a saint by the Eastern Orthodox Church after his death. Among the most illustrious musicians of the Palaiologos dynasty, his music remains held in high esteem by Albanians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Macedonians, Romanians and Serbs.
Pantheon has 1 people classified as Albanian composers born between 1280 and 1280. Of these 1, none of them are still alive today. The most famous deceased Albanian composers include John Koukouzelis.