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The Most Famous

CHEMISTS from Vietnam

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This page contains a list of the greatest Vietnamese Chemists. The pantheon dataset contains 509 Chemists, 1 of which were born in Vietnam. This makes Vietnam the birth place of the 43rd most number of Chemists behind Estonia and Romania.

Top 1

The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary Vietnamese Chemists of all time. This list of famous Vietnamese Chemists is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.

Photo of Henri Laborit

1. Henri Laborit (1914 - 1995)

With an HPI of 49.35, Henri Laborit is the most famous Vietnamese Chemist.  His biography has been translated into 15 different languages on wikipedia.

Henri Laborit (21 November 1914 – 18 May 1995) was a French surgeon, neurobiologist, writer and philosopher. In 1952, Laborit was instrumental in the development of the drug chlorpromazine, published his findings, and convinced three psychiatrists to test it on a patient, resulting in great success. Laborit was recognized for his work, but as a surgeon searching for an anesthetic, he came to be at odds with psychiatrists who made their own discoveries and competing claims. Laborit wrote several books where he popularizes his ethological laboratory research and marries it, through systems thinking, with knowledge from several other disciplines, being a strong advocate of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. His writings can also be found to have deep roots in anarchist thought. He was personally untroubled by the requirements of science and the constraints of university life. He maintained an independence from academia and never sought to produce the orderly results that science requires of its adherents.

Pantheon has 1 people classified as chemists born between 1914 and 1914. Of these 1, none of them are still alive today. The most famous deceased chemists include Henri Laborit.

Deceased Chemists

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