With 602 biographies, Chemists are the 31st most common occupation in Pantheon, behind Swimmers, Hockey Players, and Astronomers.
Pantheon has 601 people classified as chemists born between 1200 BC and 1987. Of these 601, 86 (14.31%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living chemists include Tu Youyou, Katalin Karikó, and Akira Suzuki. The most famous deceased chemists include Alfred Nobel, Louis Pasteur, and Dmitri Mendeleev. As of April 2024, 56 new chemists have been added to Pantheon including Louis E. Brus, Édouard Herzen, and Morten P. Meldal.
Living Chemists
Go to all RankingsTu Youyou
1930 - Present
HPI: 73.60
Katalin Karikó
1955 - Present
HPI: 70.30
Akira Suzuki
1930 - Present
HPI: 69.79
Gerhard Ertl
1936 - Present
HPI: 69.42
Avram Hershko
1937 - Present
HPI: 69.25
Dan Shechtman
1941 - Present
HPI: 69.12
Jean-Marie Lehn
1939 - Present
HPI: 69.11
Jean-Pierre Sauvage
1944 - Present
HPI: 68.79
Joachim Frank
1940 - Present
HPI: 68.55
Kurt Wüthrich
1938 - Present
HPI: 68.54
Johann Deisenhofer
1943 - Present
HPI: 67.96
Karl Barry Sharpless
1941 - Present
HPI: 67.89
Deceased Chemists
Go to all RankingsAlfred Nobel
1833 - 1896
HPI: 88.50
Louis Pasteur
1822 - 1895
HPI: 88.44
Dmitri Mendeleev
1834 - 1907
HPI: 86.56
Antoine Lavoisier
1743 - 1794
HPI: 85.07
John Dalton
1766 - 1844
HPI: 82.97
Irène Joliot-Curie
1897 - 1956
HPI: 80.85
Robert Boyle
1627 - 1691
HPI: 80.47
Amedeo Avogadro
1776 - 1856
HPI: 80.35
Jabir ibn Hayyan
721 - 815
HPI: 79.87
Jöns Jacob Berzelius
1779 - 1848
HPI: 79.40
Svante Arrhenius
1859 - 1927
HPI: 78.63
Fritz Haber
1868 - 1934
HPI: 78.50
Newly Added Chemists (2024)
Go to all RankingsLouis E. Brus
1943 - Present
HPI: 62.75
Édouard Herzen
1877 - 1936
HPI: 62.21
Morten P. Meldal
1954 - Present
HPI: 60.54
Rashad Khalifa
1935 - 1990
HPI: 60.35
Moungi Bawendi
1961 - Present
HPI: 59.41
Constantin Fahlberg
1850 - 1910
HPI: 59.17
Louis-Sébastien Lenormand
1757 - 1837
HPI: 58.90
Henri Braconnot
1780 - 1855
HPI: 57.37
Myrtle Bachelder
1908 - 1997
HPI: 57.30
Carl Graebe
1841 - 1927
HPI: 56.95
Geneviève Thiroux d'Arconville
1720 - 1805
HPI: 56.75
Friedrich Accum
1769 - 1838
HPI: 56.53
Most chemists were born in United States (124), Germany (111), and United Kingdom (74). By city, the most common birth places were Paris (20), Berlin (17), and London (14).The most common death places of chemists were United States (129), Germany (108), and France (70). By city, these were Paris (43), Berlin (13), and New York City (13).
Places Over Time
The earliest biographies classified as chemists in Pantheon are Jabir ibn Hayyan, Locusta, and Tapputi. The concentration of chemists was largest during the Newspaper Era, which lasted from 1700 to 1899. Some birth or death locations for earlier chemists are unknown, which may account for timeline differences below.
Which Chemists were alive at the same time? This visualization shows the lifespans of the 25 most globally memorable Chemists since 1700.