

Icon of occupation

With 518 biographies, Architects are the 34th most common occupation in Pantheon, behind Chemists, Historians, and Astronauts.


Pantheon has 521 people classified as architects born between 2800 BC and 1994. Of these 521, 64 (12.28%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living architects include Norman Foster, Baron Foster of Thames Bank, Renzo Piano, and Frank Gehry. The most famous deceased architects include Antoni Gaudí, Le Corbusier, and Gian Lorenzo Bernini. As of April 2024, 53 new architects have been added to Pantheon including Hermann Muthesius, Sedefkar Mehmed Agha, and Bogdan Bogdanović.

Living Architects

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Deceased Architects

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Newly Added Architects (2024)

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Most architects were born in Italy (65), Germany (52), and United Kingdom (50). By city, the most common birth places were Paris (22), Rome (11), and Vienna (11).The most common death places of architects were Italy (55), United States (51), and Germany (45). By city, these were Paris (27), Rome (19), and Berlin (14).

Places Over Time

The earliest biographies classified as architects in Pantheon are Ur-Nanshe, Khufu, and Imhotep.  The concentration of architects was largest during the Newspaper Era, which lasted from 1700 to 1899. Some birth or death locations for earlier architects are unknown, which may account for timeline differences below.


Which Architects were alive at the same time? This visualization shows the lifespans of the 25 most globally memorable Architects since 1700.