Benjamin Péret

1899 - 1959

Photo of Benjamin Péret

Icon of person Benjamin Péret

Benjamin Péret (4 July 1899 – 18 September 1959) was a French poet, Parisian Dadaist, and founder and central member of the French Surrealist movement with his avid use of Surrealist automatism. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Benjamin Péret has received more than 79,549 page views. His biography is available in 20 different languages on Wikipedia. Benjamin Péret is the 1,863rd most popular writer (up from 2,028th in 2019), the 2,121st most popular biography from France (up from 2,290th in 2019) and the 264th most popular French Writer.

Memorability Metrics

  • 80k

    Page Views (PV)

  • 56.70

    Historical Popularity Index (HPI)

  • 20

    Languages Editions (L)

  • 7.11

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 1.64

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)

Notable Works

Erotic poetry, French, French Erotic poetry, Translations into English
Benjamin Péret
Le déshonneur des poètes ; suivi de, La parole est à Péret
History and criticism, French poetry, World War, 1939-1945
Le déshonneur des poètes
Patriotic poetry, Poetry
Remove your hat, or, A bunch of carrots
Reference works
Anthologie de l'amour sublime


Among writers, Benjamin Péret ranks 1,863 out of 7,302Before him are Gurju Khatun, Zeki Müren, Théodore de Banville, Isaeus, Zbigniew Herbert, and Stanisław Przybyszewski. After him are Eva Schloss, Paul Goodman, Ion Creangă, Mohammed Dib, Petr Ginz, and Mikhail Zoshchenko.

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Among people born in 1899, Benjamin Péret ranks 87Before him are Akim Tamiroff, Michał Kalecki, Gustaf Gründgens, Ida Kamińska, Richard Hauptmann, and Haim Arlosoroff. After him are Osman Batur, Veit Harlan, Hans Swarowsky, Lotte Reiniger, Max Simon, and Hans Krása. Among people deceased in 1959, Benjamin Péret ranks 52Before him are Elias, Duke of Parma, William Halsey Jr., Grock, Edvard Eriksen, Aleksandar Tsankov, and Victor McLaglen. After him are Curt Sachs, Jose P. Laurel, George Antheil, Imre Schlosser, Jean Behra, and Enrique Guaita.

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In France

Among people born in France, Benjamin Péret ranks 2,121 out of 6,770Before him are Théophile Delcassé (1852), Édouard René de Laboulaye (1811), Felice Pasquale Baciocchi (1762), Pierre Gaspard Chaumette (1763), Legall de Kermeur (1702), and Jacques Audiard (1952). After him are Pierre Hadot (1922), Philippe de Gaulle (1921), Edmond Locard (1877), Tino Rossi (1907), Marie Thérèse Rodet Geoffrin (1699), and Marguerite Long (1874).

Among WRITERS In France

Among writers born in France, Benjamin Péret ranks 264Before him are Rodulfus Glaber (985), Prosper of Aquitaine (390), Elif Shafak (1971), Pierre Lemaitre (1951), Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt (1960), and Théodore de Banville (1823). After him are Augustin Barruel (1741), Philippe Quinault (1635), Éric Zemmour (1958), Pierre Gringore (1475), Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d'Argens (1704), and Avitus of Vienne (450).