Barbara Radziwiłł

1520 - 1551

Photo of Barbara Radziwiłł

Icon of person Barbara Radziwiłł

Barbara Radziwiłł (Polish: Barbara Radziwiłłówna, Lithuanian: Barbora Radvilaitė; 6 December 1520/23 – 8 May 1551) was Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania as consort of Sigismund II Augustus, the last male monarch of the Jagiellon dynasty. Barbara, a great beauty and already widowed, became a royal mistress most likely in 1543 and they married in secret in July or August 1547. The marriage caused a scandal; it was vehemently opposed by Polish nobles, including Queen mother Bona Sforza. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Barbara Radziwiłł has received more than 228,610 page views. Her biography is available in 30 different languages on Wikipedia. Barbara Radziwiłł is the 175th most popular companion (down from 168th in 2019), the 22nd most popular biography from Lithuania (down from 20th in 2019) and the most popular Lithuanian Companion.

Barbara Radziwiłł is most famous for being the last living member of the Polish royal family. She was born in Poland but fled to France with her family after the Second World War. She was the daughter of Prince Józef Antoni Radziwiłł and Princess Cecylia Lubomirska.

Memorability Metrics

  • 230k

    Page Views (PV)

  • 64.38

    Historical Popularity Index (HPI)

  • 30

    Languages Editions (L)

  • 5.75

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 2.46

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)


Among companions, Barbara Radziwiłł ranks 175 out of 784Before her are Gorgo, Queen of Sparta, Rosalynn Carter, Brunhilda of Austrasia, Julia, Isabella of Angoulême, and Wahshi ibn Harb. After her are Maria Christina of the Two Sicilies, Isabella of Portugal, Queen of Castile, Helena Dragaš, Royal Noble Consort Huibin Jang, Shahnaz Pahlavi, and Eleanor of Provence.

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Among people born in 1520, Barbara Radziwiłł ranks 5Before her are Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Pope Sixtus V, Sigismund II Augustus, and Vincenzo Galilei. After her are Koca Sinan Pasha, Christophe Plantin, William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, Matthias Flacius, Alessandro Farnese, Thoinot Arbeau, and Dorothea of Denmark, Electress Palatine. Among people deceased in 1551, Barbara Radziwiłł ranks 1After her are Martin Bucer, Sin Saimdang, Margaret Leijonhufvud, Domenico di Pace Beccafumi, Sahib I Giray, Oda Nobuhide, Sebastián de Belalcázar, Mirza Muhammad Haidar Dughlat, George Martinuzzi, Fray Tomás de Berlanga, and Adriaen Isenbrandt.

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In Lithuania

Among people born in Lithuania, Barbara Radziwiłł ranks 22 out of 328Before her are Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis (1875), Jascha Heifetz (1901), Emilia Plater (1806), Dalia Grybauskaitė (1956), Valdas Adamkus (1926), and Antanas Smetona (1874). After her are Marija Gimbutas (1921), Hacı I Giray (1397), Andrew Schally (1926), Vytautas Landsbergis (1932), Friedrich Wilhelm Argelander (1799), and Algirdas Brazauskas (1932).

Among COMPANIONS In Lithuania

Among companions born in Lithuania, Barbara Radziwiłł ranks 1