András Hadik

1710 - 1790

Photo of András Hadik

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Count András Hadik de Futak (Hungarian: gróf futaki Hadik András; German: Andreas Graf Hadik von Futak; Slovak: Andrej Hadík; 16 October 1710 – 12 March 1790) was a Hungarian nobleman and Field Marshal of the Imperial Army. He was Governor of Galicia and Lodomeria from January 1774 to June 1774, and is the father of Karl Joseph Hadik von Futak. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of András Hadik has received more than 76,028 page views. His biography is available in 19 different languages on Wikipedia (up from 17 in 2019). András Hadik is the 5,996th most popular politician (up from 6,338th in 2019), the 46th most popular biography from Slovakia (up from 50th in 2019) and the 26th most popular Slovak Politician.

Memorability Metrics

  • 76k

    Page Views (PV)

  • 58.18

    Historical Popularity Index (HPI)

  • 19

    Languages Editions (L)

  • 4.84

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 2.30

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)


Among politicians, András Hadik ranks 5,996 out of 19,576Before him are Sultan bin Salman Al Saud, Ramon Berenguer II, Count of Barcelona, Maximus of Hispania, Vasily Chapayev, Alexandru Averescu, and Otto I, Duke of Carinthia. After him are Jamasp, Tardu, Princess Irene of Hesse and by Rhine, Richeza of Lotharingia, Meinhard III, Count of Gorizia-Tyrol, and Infante Carlos, Count of Montemolin.

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Among people born in 1710, András Hadik ranks 6Before him are Louis XV of France, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, Adolf Frederick, King of Sweden, and Muhammad bin Saud. After him are Thomas Reid, Thomas Simpson, Mohammed ben Abdallah, Marie-Anne de Cupis de Camargo, Domenico Alberti, and Thomas Arne. Among people deceased in 1790, András Hadik ranks 8Before him are Benjamin Franklin, Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, Duchess Elisabeth of Württemberg, Ernst Gideon von Laudon, Nikolaus I, Prince Esterházy, and Johann Bernhard Basedow. After him are Louis IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt, Mohammed ben Abdallah, Cezayirli Gazi Hasan Pasha, Johann Nikolaus von Hontheim, William Cullen, and Jacob Christian Schäffer.

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In Slovakia

Among people born in Slovakia, András Hadik ranks 46 out of 418Before him are Matthew III Csák (1260), Joseph Petzval (1807), Ferdinand Daučík (1910), Teréz Brunszvik (1775), Ernő Gerő (1898), and Adolf Scherer (1938). After him are Vazul (1000), Franz Schmidt (1874), Andrej Kiska (1963), Iveta Radičová (1956), Archduke Joseph Karl of Austria (1833), and Stephan Endlicher (1804).

Among POLITICIANS In Slovakia

Among politicians born in Slovakia, András Hadik ranks 26Before him are Andrej Babiš (1954), Lajos Batthyány (1807), Michal Kováč (1930), Milan Hodža (1878), Teréz Brunszvik (1775), and Ernő Gerő (1898). After him are Vazul (1000), Andrej Kiska (1963), Iveta Radičová (1956), Stefan Vojislav (990), Mikuláš Dzurinda (1956), and Alexander Mach (1902).