The Most Famous
SINGERS from Uzbekistan
This page contains a list of the greatest Uzbekistani Singers. The pantheon dataset contains 4,381 Singers, 7 of which were born in Uzbekistan. This makes Uzbekistan the birth place of the 71st most number of Singers behind Algeria, and Slovakia.
Top 7
The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary Uzbekistani Singers of all time. This list of famous Uzbekistani Singers is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.

1. Anna German (1936 - 1982)
With an HPI of 65.29, Anna German is the most famous Uzbekistani Singer. Her biography has been translated into 30 different languages on wikipedia.
Anna Wiktoria German-Tucholska (14 February 1936 – 26 August 1982) was a Polish singer (lirico-spinto), immensely popular in Poland and in the Soviet Union in the 1960s–1970s. She released over a dozen music albums with songs in Polish, as well as several albums with Russian repertoire. Throughout her music career, she also recorded songs in the German, Italian, Spanish, English, and Latin languages.

2. Yulduz Usmonova (b. 1963)
With an HPI of 55.49, Yulduz Usmonova is the 2nd most famous Uzbekistani Singer. Her biography has been translated into 18 different languages.
Yulduz Usmonova (Uzbek: Yulduz Usmonova, Юлдуз Усмонова; born December 12, 1963) is an Uzbek singer, song-writer, composer and actress. She is the People's artist of Uzbekistan and honored artist of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. She has achieved widespread fame in Uzbekistan, other parts of Central Asia, and more recently in Turkey. Usmonova has also acted in a number of Uzbek films. Yulduz Usmonova was born in Margilan in the Ferghana region of Uzbekistan. Her parents worked at a silk factory. She studied music at the pedagogical institute in Margilan. She was discovered by Gavharxonim Rahimova after singing at a Women’s Day show. Rahimova helped to open many doors for Usmanova. After being introduced to professors from the Uzbekistan State Conservatory, she prepared under their guidance. She studied vocal, and then later became a popular singer in Uzbekistan after independence in 1991. She became famous throughout Central Asia and later in Turkey and has released songs in many languages, such as Uzbek, Uyghur, Turkish, Russian, Tajik, Arabic, Kazakh, Chinese, Indian and Tatar.

3. Halima Nosirova (1913 - 2003)
With an HPI of 52.74, Halima Nosirova is the 3rd most famous Uzbekistani Singer. Her biography has been translated into 17 different languages.
Halima Nosirova or Halima Nasyrova (Uzbek: Halima Nosirova, Ҳалима Носирова; Russian: Халима Насырова, Khalima Nasyrova) was a Soviet and Uzbek singer of Uzbek music. She also started her creative activities as a drama actress in 1927 and was a popular artist of the USSR.

4. Tursunoy Saidazimova (1911 - 1928)
With an HPI of 50.16, Tursunoy Saidazimova is the 4th most famous Uzbekistani Singer. Her biography has been translated into 15 different languages.
Tursunoy Saidazimova (Russian: Турсуной Саидазимова; c. 1911 – 10 May 1928), occasionally transliterated as Tursunoi Saidazimova, was one of the first Uzbek actresses in the Uzbek SSR and one of the first to sing onstage without a face-veil. She was killed by her husband in an honor killing just shortly after her career took off.

5. Shahzoda (b. 1979)
With an HPI of 46.29, Shahzoda is the 5th most famous Uzbekistani Singer. Her biography has been translated into 27 different languages.
Zilola Bahodirovna Musaeva (Uzbek: Zilola Bahodirovna Musayeva, Зилола Баҳодировна Мусаева; born 28 July 1979), most commonly known by her stage name Shahzoda, is an Uzbek singer and actress. Shahzoda has become a highly popular singer in Uzbekistan and other neighboring countries. In the early 2010s, Shahzoda gained some fame in Russia. She has recorded songs in Uzbek, Russian, Persian, Kazakh, Tajik, and English.

6. Lena Belkina (b. 1987)
With an HPI of 44.03, Lena Belkina is the 6th most famous Uzbekistani Singer. Her biography has been translated into 41 different languages.
Lena Belkina or Olena Leser (born 27 November 1987) is a Ukrainian mezzo-soprano.

7. Sogdiana Fedorinskaya (b. 1984)
With an HPI of 38.04, Sogdiana Fedorinskaya is the 7th most famous Uzbekistani Singer. Her biography has been translated into 17 different languages.
Sogdiana (Russian: Согдиана), also known as Sogdiana Fedorinskaya (Russian: Согдиана Федоринская), born as Oksana Vladimirovna Nechitaylo (Russian: Оксана Владимировна Нечитайло ) is an Uzbekistani and Russian singer and actress, born February 17, 1984, in Tashkent. She is of Ukrainian descent. She sings in Russian, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Tajik, French, Chechen and English. Some of the songs she wrote herself. Her name alludes to the old Eastern Iranian kingdom and province of Sogdia, which is geographically partly located within modern-day Uzbekistan. She has described herself as shy, taciturn and introvert, but her trained voice is strong, safe and soulful and refers to Whitney Houston. As their role models, she said Sofia Rotaru, Queen, Lara Fabian, Mariah Carey, Ofra Haza, and Whitney Houston.
Pantheon has 7 people classified as Uzbekistani singers born between 1911 and 1987. Of these 7, 4 (57.14%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living Uzbekistani singers include Yulduz Usmonova, Shahzoda, and Lena Belkina. The most famous deceased Uzbekistani singers include Anna German, Halima Nosirova, and Tursunoy Saidazimova. As of April 2024, 2 new Uzbekistani singers have been added to Pantheon including Halima Nosirova, and Tursunoy Saidazimova.
Living Uzbekistani Singers
Go to all RankingsYulduz Usmonova
1963 - Present
HPI: 55.49
1979 - Present
HPI: 46.29
Lena Belkina
1987 - Present
HPI: 44.03
Sogdiana Fedorinskaya
1984 - Present
HPI: 38.04
Deceased Uzbekistani Singers
Go to all RankingsAnna German
1936 - 1982
HPI: 65.29
Halima Nosirova
1913 - 2003
HPI: 52.74
Tursunoy Saidazimova
1911 - 1928
HPI: 50.16
Newly Added Uzbekistani Singers (2024)
Go to all RankingsOverlapping Lives
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