The Most Famous


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This page contains a list of the greatest Religious Figures. The pantheon dataset contains 3,187 Religious Figures, 1 of which were born in Curaçao. This makes Curaçao the birth place of the 124th most number of Religious Figures behind Laos, and Lesotho.

Top 1

The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary Religious Figures of all time. This list of famous Religious Figures is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.

Photo of Robby Müller

1. Robby Müller (1940 - 2018)

With an HPI of 51.50, Robby Müller is the most famous Religious Figure.  His biography has been translated into 19 different languages on wikipedia.

Robby Müller, NSC, BVK, (4 April 1940 – 3 July 2018) was a Dutch cinematographer. Known for his use of natural light and minimalist imagery, Müller first gained recognition for his contributions to West German cinema through his acclaimed collaborations with Wim Wenders. Through the course of his career, he worked closely with directors Wim Wenders, Jim Jarmusch, Peter Bogdanovich, Barbet Schroeder, and Lars Von Trier, the latter with whom he pioneered the use of digital cinematography. His work earned him numerous accolades and admiration from his peers. He died on 3 July 2018, aged 78, having suffered from vascular dementia for several years.


Pantheon has 1 people classified as religious figures born between 1940 and 1940. Of these 1, none of them are still alive today. The most famous deceased religious figures include Robby Müller.

Deceased Religious Figures

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