

Icon of occupation

With 179 biographies, Martial Arts are the 57th most common occupation in Pantheon, behind Linguists, Volleyball Players, and Journalists.


Pantheon has 179 people classified as martial arts born between 1809 and 1998. Of these 179, 154 (86.03%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living martial arts include Randy Couture, Linda Lee Cadwell, and Conor McGregor. The most famous deceased martial arts include Ip Man, Kanō Jigorō, and Gichin Funakoshi. As of April 2024, 37 new martial arts have been added to Pantheon including Frank Dux, Rickson Gracie, and Hongman Choi.

Living Martial Arts

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Deceased Martial Arts

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Newly Added Martial Arts (2024)

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Most martial arts were born in United States (64), Japan (23), and Brazil (18). By city, the most common birth places were Shuri, Okinawa (5), Rio de Janeiro (3), and Curitiba (3).The most common death places of martial arts were Japan (14), China (2), and United States (2). By city, these were Tokyo (6), Shuri, Okinawa (2), and Mong Kok (1).

Places Over Time

The earliest biographies classified as martial arts in Pantheon are Higaonna Kanryō, Ankō Itosu, and Matsumura Sōkon.  The concentration of martial arts was largest during the Television Era, which lasted from 1950 to 1989. Some birth or death locations for earlier martial arts are unknown, which may account for timeline differences below.


Which Martial Arts were alive at the same time? This visualization shows the lifespans of the 21 most globally memorable Martial Arts since 1700.