The Most Famous
LINGUISTS from Liberia
Top 1
The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary Liberian Linguists of all time. This list of famous Liberian Linguists is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.

1. Ziad Fazah (b. 1954)
With an HPI of 54.23, Ziad Fazah is the most famous Liberian Linguist. His biography has been translated into 16 different languages on wikipedia.
Ziad Youssef Fazah (Arabic: زياد فصاح; born 10 June 1954) is a Liberian-born Lebanese alleged polyglot. Fazah has claimed to speak 58 languages and maintains that he has proved this in several public appearances in which he supposedly communicated with native speakers of a large number of foreign languages. Fazah spoke Arabic at home and learned French and English in school. Fazah decided to study languages after encountering Armenians in Lebanon and learning Armenian. He currently lives in Brazil, having lived there since 1971. The Guinness Book of World Records, up to the 1998 edition, listed Fazah as being able to speak and read 58 languages, citing a live interview in Athens, Greece in July 1991, but has since removed his name from any language-linked records.
Pantheon has 1 people classified as Liberian linguists born between 1954 and 1954. Of these 1, 1 (100.00%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living Liberian linguists include Ziad Fazah.