

Icon of occupation

With 77 biographies, Game Designers are the 78th most common occupation in Pantheon, behind Diplomats, Geographers, and Sociologists.


Pantheon has 77 people classified as game designers born between 1866 and 2000. Of these 77, 69 (89.61%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living game designers include Shigeru Miyamoto, Hideo Kojima, and Alexey Pajitnov. The most famous deceased game designers include Ralph H. Baer, Gunpei Yokoi, and Satoru Iwata. As of April 2024, 12 new game designers have been added to Pantheon including Reiner Knizia, Amy Hennig, and Yoko Taro.

Living Game Designers

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Deceased Game Designers

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Newly Added Game Designers (2024)

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Most game designers were born in United States (29), Japan (26), and Sweden (3). By city, the most common birth places were Chicago (3), Setagaya (2), and Stockholm (2).The most common death places of game designers were United States (4), and Japan (3). By city, these were Manchester, New Hampshire (1), Komatsu, Ishikawa (1), and Kyoto (1).

Places Over Time

The earliest biographies classified as game designers in Pantheon are Gary Gygax, Ralph H. Baer, and Lizzie Magie.  The concentration of game designers was largest during the Television Era, which lasted from 1950 to 1989. Some birth or death locations for earlier game designers are unknown, which may account for timeline differences below.


Which Game Designers were alive at the same time? This visualization shows the lifespans of the 7 most globally memorable Game Designers since 1700.