Stanisław Staszic

1755 - 1826

Photo of Stanisław Staszic

Icon of person Stanisław Staszic

Stanisław Wawrzyniec Staszic [staˈɲiswaf ˈstaʂit͡s] (baptised 6 November 1755 – 20 January 1826) was a leading figure in the Polish Enlightenment: a Catholic priest, philosopher, geologist, writer, poet, translator and statesman. A physiocrat, monist, pan-Slavist (after 1815) and laissez-fairist, he supported many reforms in Poland. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Stanisław Staszic has received more than 112,561 page views. His biography is available in 21 different languages on Wikipedia (up from 19 in 2019). Stanisław Staszic is the 1,015th most popular philosopher (down from 960th in 2019), the 798th most popular biography from Poland (down from 731st in 2019) and the 26th most popular Polish Philosopher.

Memorability Metrics

  • 110k

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  • 50.86

    Historical Popularity Index (HPI)

  • 21

    Languages Editions (L)

  • 1.91

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 3.71

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)


Among philosophers, Stanisław Staszic ranks 1,015 out of 1,267Before him are Androcles, Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke, Heinrich Khunrath, Alfonso Reyes, Jacques Cujas, and Pierre Lévy. After him are Zhang Binglin, Northrop Frye, Friedrich Paulsen, Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, Daniel Bensaïd, and Derek Parfit.

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Among people born in 1755, Stanisław Staszic ranks 38Before him are Fausto Elhuyar, Anacharsis Cloots, Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian, Sarah Siddons, Robert Kerr, and Princess Charlotte of Hesse-Darmstadt. After him are Abol-Fath Khan Zand, Dorothea Viehmann, Nicolas Fuss, Jean Louis Marie Poiret, Marc-Antoine Parseval, and Jacques Labillardière. Among people deceased in 1826, Stanisław Staszic ranks 43Before him are Christian Kramp, Jens Baggesen, J. F. Oberlin, Kondraty Ryleyev, Alexander Gordon Laing, and Johann Heinrich Voss. After him are Germanos III of Old Patras, Jacob Hübner, Nicolas Fuss, Friedrich August Marschall von Bieberstein, John Farey Sr., and Antoni Malczewski.

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In Poland

Among people born in Poland, Stanisław Staszic ranks 798 out of 1,694Before him are Friedrich Schulz (1897), Tadeusz Konwicki (1926), Erika Steinbach (1943), Carl Tausig (1841), Józef Chełmoński (1849), and Wilhelm Julius Foerster (1832). After him are Zofia Kossak-Szczucka (1889), Johann Dzierzon (1811), Ida Siekmann (1902), Joanna Pacuła (1957), Marek Belka (1952), and Hugo von Seeliger (1849).


Among philosophers born in Poland, Stanisław Staszic ranks 26Before him are Symon Budny (1530), Wolfhart Pannenberg (1928), Franz Neumann (1900), Józef Maria Bocheński (1902), Leo Baeck (1873), and Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907). After him are Jerzy Żuławski (1874), Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski (1503), Tadeusz Kotarbiński (1886), Władysław Tatarkiewicz (1886), and Michał Heller (1936).