Pierre Blanchar

1892 - 1963

Photo of Pierre Blanchar

Icon of person Pierre Blanchar

Pierre Blanchar (30 June 1892 – 21 November 1963) was a French actor. He appeared in more than 50 films between 1922 and 1961. Blanchar was married to actress Marthe Vinot, with whom he had a daughter, actress Dominique Blanchar. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Pierre Blanchar has received more than 38,395 page views. His biography is available in 24 different languages on Wikipedia. Pierre Blanchar is the 2,945th most popular actor (up from 3,033rd in 2019), the 98th most popular biography from Algeria (down from 93rd in 2019) and the 11th most popular Algerian Actor.

Memorability Metrics

  • 38k

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  • 51.50

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  • 24

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  • 4.60

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 2.95

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)


Among actors, Pierre Blanchar ranks 2,945 out of 13,578Before him are Brian Keith, Stella Stevens, Sybille Schmitz, Maxim Munzuk, Gilbert Gottfried, and Bryce Dallas Howard. After him are Keenan Wynn, Zeppo Marx, Karl Markovics, Gustaf Molander, Edwige Feuillère, and Lydia Clarke.

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Among people born in 1892, Pierre Blanchar ranks 171Before him are Princess Marina Petrovna of Russia, John Alcock, George Lawrence Price, Alberto Bayo, Mercedes de Acosta, and Mieczysław Horszowski. After him are Edna St. Vincent Millay, Vladimir Stoychev, Konstantin Fedin, József Nagy, Georg, Prince of Saxe-Meiningen, and Lola Anglada. Among people deceased in 1963, Pierre Blanchar ranks 104Before him are Adrian Carton de Wiart, Barnum Brown, Lee Wallard, Richard Oswald, André Maschinot, and Guy Burgess. After him are Erik Lundqvist, Vissarion Shebalin, Robert Kerr, Thoralf Skolem, Vsevolod Ivanov, and Pingali Venkayya.

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In Algeria

Among people born in Algeria, Pierre Blanchar ranks 98 out of 213Before him are Abdelaziz Djerad (1954), Fernand Bouisson (1874), Yasmina Khadra (1955), Alain Chabat (1958), Alain Mimoun (1921), and Alexandre Villaplane (1905). After him are Quintus Lollius Urbicus (150), Djamel Zidane (1955), Cheb Mami (1966), Abdelaziz Belkhadem (1945), Sofia Boutella (1982), and Biyouna (1952).

Among ACTORS In Algeria

Among actors born in Algeria, Pierre Blanchar ranks 11Before him are Nicole Garcia (1946), Roger Hanin (1925), Françoise Fabian (1933), Françoise Arnoul (1931), Patrick Bruel (1959), and Alain Chabat (1958). After him are Sofia Boutella (1982), Jean-Pierre Bacri (1951), Solveig Dommartin (1961), Anne Alvaro (1951), and Valérie Benguigui (1961).

Television and Movie Roles

Wooden Crosses
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The Man from Nowhere
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Mathias Pascal, saddled with a stupid wife and a nagging mother-in-law, leaves home and is extremely lucky at several gambling resorts. He returns home and discovers that a drowned man, fished out of the river, bears an uncanny likeness to him and is being buried by his family as him. This, to him, is a pleasant turn of events and he goes to Rome, where he falls in love with Louise Paleari. Count Papiano, a jealous suitor of Louise's, threatens him with arrest unless he produces credentials to prove his identity.
Un carnet de bal
Thierry Raynal
After the death of her husband, Christine realizes she has possibly wasted her life by marrying him instead of the man towards whom, in her youth, she had a stronger inclination. To overcome these dreary thoughts, she decides to find out about him and the other men who danced with her during a ball that was a turning point in her life, many years ago. She pays a visit to those forgotten acquaintances one after the other; Christine is not only surprised to see how they have fared, but also discovers the impact she had, unknowingly, on the feelings and the destiny of these persons.