Moritz von Schwind

1804 - 1871

Photo of Moritz von Schwind

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Moritz von Schwind (21 January 1804 – 8 February 1871) was an Austrian painter, born in Vienna. Schwind's genius was lyrical—he drew inspiration from chivalry, folklore, and the songs of the people. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Moritz von Schwind has received more than 83,378 page views. His biography is available in 25 different languages on Wikipedia (up from 24 in 2019). Moritz von Schwind is the 706th most popular painter (up from 758th in 2019), the 429th most popular biography from Austria (up from 459th in 2019) and the 11th most popular Austrian Painter.

Memorability Metrics

  • 83k

    Page Views (PV)

  • 56.92

    Historical Popularity Index (HPI)

  • 25

    Languages Editions (L)

  • 6.27

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 2.31

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)


Among painters, Moritz von Schwind ranks 706 out of 2,023Before him are Eugene de Blaas, Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka, Frans Masereel, Amédée Ozenfant, Franz von Bayros, and Eugène Carrière. After him are Paula Rego, Bruno Liljefors, Giovanna Garzoni, Victorine Meurent, Wu Daozi, and Raja Ravi Varma.

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Among people born in 1804, Moritz von Schwind ranks 28Before him are Carl von Rokitansky, Eduard Mörike, Ludwig von Benedek, Stephan Endlicher, Princess Luisa Carlotta of Naples and Sicily, and Paul Gavarni. After him are Viktor Bunyakovsky, Hermann Schlegel, Duke Alexander of Württemberg, Handrij Zejler, Aleksander Chodźko, and Julius Benedict. Among people deceased in 1871, Moritz von Schwind ranks 22Before him are Filippo Taglioni, Jarosław Dąbrowski, Anselme Payen, Princess Leopoldina of Brazil, Charles Paul de Kock, and Mehmed Emin Âli Pasha. After him are François-Joseph Fétis, Pierre Leroux, Pierre Alexis Ponson du Terrail, Leopold IV, Duke of Anhalt, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel, and August Immanuel Bekker.

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In Austria

Among people born in Austria, Moritz von Schwind ranks 429 out of 1,424Before him are Princess Alexandra of Hanover (1882), Oscar Straus (1870), Johannes Schober (1874), Viktor Kaplan (1876), Willi Boskovsky (1909), and Ivan Šubašić (1892). After him are Annie Fischer (1914), Charles of Austria, Bishop of Wroclaw (1590), Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić (1874), Otto F. Kernberg (1928), Hans Gross (1847), and Paul Badura-Skoda (1927).

Among PAINTERS In Austria

Among painters born in Austria, Moritz von Schwind ranks 11Before him are Friedrich von Amerling (1803), Koloman Moser (1868), Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller (1793), Hans Makart (1840), Raoul Hausmann (1886), and Peter Fendi (1796). After him are Peter Johann Nepomuk Geiger (1805), Wolf Huber (1485), Richard Gerstl (1883), Joseph Anton Koch (1768), Ernst Fuchs (1930), and Carl Moll (1861).