Maria I of Portugal

1734 - 1816

Photo of Maria I of Portugal

Icon of person Maria I of Portugal

Dona Maria I (17 December 1734 – 20 March 1816) was Queen of Portugal from 24 February 1777 until her death in 1816. Known as Maria the Pious in Portugal and Maria the Mad in Brazil, she was the first undisputed queen regnant of Portugal and the first monarch of Brazil. Maria was the eldest daughter of King Dom José I (Joseph I) of Portugal and Queen Mariana Victoria. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Maria I of Portugal has received more than 1,027,474 page views. Her biography is available in 50 different languages on Wikipedia (up from 47 in 2019). Maria I of Portugal is the 1,576th most popular politician (down from 1,541st in 2019), the 35th most popular biography from Portugal (down from 33rd in 2019) and the 18th most popular Portuguese Politician.

Maria I of Portugal was the queen of Portugal and Brazil, and the first female monarch of the Portuguese Empire. She was the daughter of King John VI of Portugal and his wife Carlota Joaquina, and she married her uncle, King Joseph I of Portugal.

Memorability Metrics

  • 1.0M

    Page Views (PV)

  • 67.27

    Historical Popularity Index (HPI)

  • 50

    Languages Editions (L)

  • 6.27

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 3.48

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)


Among politicians, Maria I of Portugal ranks 1,576 out of 19,576Before her are Horst Köhler, Francis II Rákóczi, Taejo of Goryeo, Manuel Noriega, Rudolf IV, Duke of Austria, and Feodor II of Russia. After her are Ecgberht, King of Wessex, Almanzor, Scorpion I, Alexander Farnese, Duke of Parma, Kurt Georg Kiesinger, and Michael I Rangabe.

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Among people born in 1734, Maria I of Portugal ranks 2Before her is Franz Mesmer. After her are Taksin, François-Joseph Gossec, Sophie of France, Cardinal de Rohan, Anna Göldi, Wolfgang von Kempelen, Grigory Orlov, Charles Alexandre de Calonne, Jean-Marie Roland de la Platière, and Joseph Wright of Derby. Among people deceased in 1816, Maria I of Portugal ranks 1After her are Maria Ludovika of Austria-Este, Giovanni Paisiello, Francisco de Miranda, Frederick I of Württemberg, Pierre Augereau, Adam Ferguson, Roger Ducos, Charles II, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Gavrila Derzhavin, Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von Bülow, and Frederick William, Prince of Nassau-Weilburg.

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In Portugal

Among people born in Portugal, Maria I of Portugal ranks 35 out of 633Before her are Amália Rodrigues (1920), Peter I of Portugal (1320), John II of Portugal (1455), Carlos I of Portugal (1863), Fernando Santos (1954), and Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (1948). After her are Henry, King of Portugal (1512), Afonso III of Portugal (1210), Edward, King of Portugal (1391), Orosius (375), Sancho I of Portugal (1154), and John V of Portugal (1689).

Among POLITICIANS In Portugal

Among politicians born in Portugal, Maria I of Portugal ranks 18Before her are John VI of Portugal (1767), Joseph I of Portugal (1714), Peter I of Portugal (1320), John II of Portugal (1455), Carlos I of Portugal (1863), and Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (1948). After her are Henry, King of Portugal (1512), Afonso III of Portugal (1210), Edward, King of Portugal (1391), Sancho I of Portugal (1154), John V of Portugal (1689), and Maria Manuela, Princess of Portugal (1527).