Arseny Golovko

1906 - 1962

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Arseny Grigoryevich Golovko (Russian: Арсений Григорьевич Головко; 10 June 1906 – 17 May 1962) was a Soviet admiral, whose naval service extended from the 1920s through the early Cold War. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Arseny Golovko has received more than 14,866 page views. His biography is available in 15 different languages on Wikipedia. Arseny Golovko is the 1,800th most popular military personnel, the 1,852nd most popular biography from Russia and the 142nd most popular Russian Military Personnel.

Memorability Metrics

  • 15k

    Page Views (PV)

  • 47.66

    Historical Popularity Index (HPI)

  • 15

    Languages Editions (L)

  • 2.39

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 2.75

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)


Among military personnels, Arseny Golovko ranks 1,800 out of 2,058Before him are Dietrich Kraiss, Walter Krueger, Franz von Werra, John Moore, John F. Reynolds, and Mindarus. After him are Yekaterina Mikhailova-Demina, Adasi, Dudley Pound, George Anson, 1st Baron Anson, Richard S. Ewell, and Richard Marcinko.

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Among people born in 1906, Arseny Golovko ranks 293Before him are Willy Hansen, Willy Jäggi, Klavdiya Shulzhenko, Arturo Torres Carrasco, Branislav Sekulić, and Cai Chusheng. After him are Iosif Czako, Jean Dréville, Petre Steinbach, Ed Hamm, Ernst Krebs, and Benedicto de Moraes Menezes. Among people deceased in 1962, Arseny Golovko ranks 158Before him are Iuliu Baratky, Purushottam Das Tandon, Viacheslav Ragozin, Jean Stern, Yvette Andréyor, and G. M. Trevelyan. After him are Per Thorén, Miklós Szabados, Karen Lachmann, George Preca, Frederick Schule, and Willis H. O'Brien.

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In Russia

Among people born in Russia, Arseny Golovko ranks 1,852 out of 3,761Before him are Vasily Perovsky (1795), Olga Aroseva (1925), Alexander Vampilov (1937), Valeri Brainin (1948), Irina Arkhipova (1925), and Nestor Kukolnik (1809). After him are Yekaterina Mikhailova-Demina (1925), Valentin Afonin (1939), Andrey Lavrov (1962), Boris Vilkitsky (1885), Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov (1936), and Slava Polunin (1950).


Among military personnels born in Russia, Arseny Golovko ranks 142Before him are Alexander Gorbatov (1891), Pyotr Gavrilov (1900), Vladimir Tributs (1900), Nadezhda Popova (1921), Sigizmund Levanevsky (1902), and Paul von Plehwe (1850). After him are Yekaterina Mikhailova-Demina (1925), Mikhail Yefremov (1897), Mariya Polivanova (1922), Musa Gareyev (1922), Yevdokiya Bershanskaya (1913), and Zhanna Yorkina (1939).