The Most Famous

YOUTUBERS from Venezuela

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This page contains a list of the greatest Venezuelan Youtubers. The pantheon dataset contains 60 Youtubers, 1 of which were born in Venezuela. This makes Venezuela the birth place of the 9th most number of Youtubers behind Belarus, and Netherlands.

Top 1

The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary Venezuelan Youtubers of all time. This list of famous Venezuelan Youtubers is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.

Photo of Lele Pons

1. Lele Pons (b. 1996)

With an HPI of 29.54, Lele Pons is the most famous Venezuelan Youtuber.  Her biography has been translated into 27 different languages on wikipedia.

Eleonora "Lele" Pons Maronese (; born 25 June 1996) is a Venezuelan and American YouTuber, actress and singer. Pons came to prominence on Vine before the platform was shut down in 2016 where she was the most followed woman and the third most followed viner with 11.5 million followers. She then expanded into creating comedy sketches for YouTube, where she has over 18 million subscribers as of August 2023. She has since acted in film, television, and music videos; released her own music; and co-authored a novel. In 2020, she starred in The Secret Life of Lele Pons, a YouTube Original docuseries providing a look at her personal life, and began hosting a podcast on Spotify called Best Kept Secrets with Lele Pons.


Pantheon has 1 people classified as Venezuelan youtubers born between 1996 and 1996. Of these 1, 1 (100.00%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living Venezuelan youtubers include Lele Pons.

Living Venezuelan Youtubers

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