The Most Famous
WRESTLERS from Syria
Top 1
The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary Syrian Wrestlers of all time. This list of famous Syrian Wrestlers is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.

1. Ahmad Alikaj (b. 1991)
With an HPI of 21.55, Ahmad Alikaj is the most famous Syrian Wrestler. His biography has been translated into 3 different languages on wikipedia.
Ahmad Alikaj (born 5 June 1991) is a Syrian judoka who competes in the under-73 kg category. Alikaj is now living and training in Germany, after having moved from Syria to Germany as a refugee in 2015. He was included in the IJF Refugee Team at the 2019 Budapest Grand Prix, and participated in the 2019 World Championships in Tokyo. He released a joint statement alongside Sanda Aldass and Muna Dahouk after being selected for the IOC Refugee Olympic Team [EOR] for the 2020 Summer Games in Tokyo, where he lost in the first round to Tajikistani Somon Makhmadbekov. "We have been dreaming of that for years and today we are living our dream. We feel that we have a great responsibility. We will represent our sport, judo, but also the entire refugee community. We are so proud. We hope that millions of refugees across the globe will want to overcome their difficulties, based on what we have achieved."
Pantheon has 1 people classified as Syrian wrestlers born between 1991 and 1991. Of these 1, 1 (100.00%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living Syrian wrestlers include Ahmad Alikaj. As of April 2024, 1 new Syrian wrestlers have been added to Pantheon including Ahmad Alikaj.