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The Most Famous

STATISTICIANS from United States

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This page contains a list of the greatest American Statisticians. The pantheon dataset contains 9 Statisticians, 2 of which were born in United States. This makes United States the birth place of the 2nd most number of Statisticians.

Top 2

The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary American Statisticians of all time. This list of famous American Statisticians is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.

Photo of Joseph Kruskal

1. Joseph Kruskal (1928 - 2010)

With an HPI of 41.89, Joseph Kruskal is the most famous American Statistician.  His biography has been translated into 16 different languages on wikipedia.

Joseph Bernard Kruskal, Jr. (; January 29, 1928 – September 19, 2010) was an American mathematician, statistician, computer scientist and psychometrician.

Photo of Gertrude Mary Cox

2. Gertrude Mary Cox (1900 - 1978)

With an HPI of 39.37, Gertrude Mary Cox is the 2nd most famous American Statistician.  Her biography has been translated into 15 different languages.

Gertrude Mary Cox (January 13, 1900 – October 17, 1978) was an American statistician and founder of the department of Experimental Statistics at North Carolina State University. She was later appointed director of both the Institute of Statistics of the Consolidated University of North Carolina and the Statistics Research Division of North Carolina State University. Her most important and influential research dealt with experimental design; In 1950 she published the book Experimental Designs, on the subject with W. G. Cochran, which became the major reference work on the design of experiments for statisticians for years afterwards. In 1949 Cox became the first woman elected into the International Statistical Institute and in 1956 was President of the American Statistical Association.

Pantheon has 2 people classified as statisticians born between 1900 and 1928. Of these 2, none of them are still alive today. The most famous deceased statisticians include Joseph Kruskal and Gertrude Mary Cox.

Deceased Statisticians

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