The Most Famous
SOCIAL ACTIVISTS from Tajikistan
This page contains a list of the greatest Tadzhik Social Activists. The pantheon dataset contains 840 Social Activists, 1 of which were born in Tajikistan. This makes Tajikistan the birth place of the 102nd most number of Social Activists behind Ethiopia, and Palestine.
Top 1
The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary Tadzhik Social Activists of all time. This list of famous Tadzhik Social Activists is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.

1. Oinikhol Bobonazarova (b. 1948)
With an HPI of 47.62, Oinikhol Bobonazarova is the most famous Tadzhik Social Activist. Her biography has been translated into 16 different languages on wikipedia.
Oinikhol Bobonazarova (Russian: Ойнихол Бобоназарова; Tajik: Ойниҳол Бобоназарова) is a Tajikistani activist. In 1993, she was arrested, and convicted of treason for supposedly plotting a coup. After serving a few months in jail, she became a human rights counselor in the Tajik office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. She has also worked for the Tajik branch of the Open Society Foundation, and as of 2013 she is in charge of the “Perspektiva Plus” human rights group, which works for the rights of prisoners, women, and Tajikistani labor migrants. She has also worked to create Tajikistan's first independent prison monitoring program since its prisons were closed to outside access in 2004. In 2013 she became the first woman to try to run for president in Tajikistan, but her campaign failed to gather enough signatures to continue. She received a 2014 International Women of Courage award. She was the first Tajikistani woman to receive an International Women of Courage award.
Pantheon has 1 people classified as Tadzhik social activists born between 1948 and 1948. Of these 1, 1 (100.00%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living Tadzhik social activists include Oinikhol Bobonazarova.