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The Most Famous

PAINTERS from Slovenia

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This page contains a list of the greatest Slovene Painters. The pantheon dataset contains 1,421 Painters, 4 of which were born in Slovenia. This makes Slovenia the birth place of the 40th most number of Painters behind Georgia and Ireland.

Top 4

The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary Slovene Painters of all time. This list of famous Slovene Painters is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.

Photo of Ivana Kobilca

1. Ivana Kobilca (1861 - 1926)

With an HPI of 53.55, Ivana Kobilca is the most famous Slovene Painter.  Her biography has been translated into 27 different languages on wikipedia.

Ivana Kobilca (20 December 1861 – 4 December 1926) is the most prominent Slovene female painter and a key figure of Slovene cultural identity. She was a realist painter who studied and worked in Vienna, Munich, Paris, Sarajevo, Berlin, and Ljubljana. She mostly painted oil paintings and pastels, whereas her drawings are few. The themes include still life, portraits, genre works, allegories, and religious scenes. She was a controversial person, criticized for following movements that had not developed further in later periods.

Photo of Anton Janša

2. Anton Janša (1734 - 1773)

With an HPI of 51.80, Anton Janša is the 2nd most famous Slovene Painter.  His biography has been translated into 16 different languages.

Anton Janša (c. 20 May 1734 – 13 September 1773) was a Carniolan apiarist and painter. Janša is known as a pioneer of modern apiculture and a great expert in the field. He was educated as a painter, but was employed as a teacher of apiculture at the Habsburg court in Vienna.

Photo of Ivan Grohar

3. Ivan Grohar (1867 - 1911)

With an HPI of 51.33, Ivan Grohar is the 3rd most famous Slovene Painter.  His biography has been translated into 21 different languages.

Ivan Grohar (15 June 1867 – 19 April 1911) was a Slovene Impressionist painter. Together with Rihard Jakopič, Matej Sternen, and Matija Jama, he is considered one of the leading figures of Slovene impressionism in the fin de siecle period. He is known by his landscapes and portraits. He was also an established guitarist and singer.

Photo of Rihard Jakopič

4. Rihard Jakopič (1869 - 1943)

With an HPI of 47.50, Rihard Jakopič is the 4th most famous Slovene Painter.  His biography has been translated into 18 different languages.

Rihard Jakopič (12 April 1869 – 21 April 1943) was a Slovene painter. He was the leading Slovene Impressionist painter, patron of arts and theoretician. Together with Matej Sternen, Matija Jama and Ivan Grohar, he is considered the pioneer of Slovene Impressionist painting.

Pantheon has 4 people classified as painters born between 1734 and 1869. Of these 4, none of them are still alive today. The most famous deceased painters include Ivana Kobilca, Anton Janša, and Ivan Grohar. As of April 2022, 1 new painters have been added to Pantheon including Rihard Jakopič.

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Which Painters were alive at the same time? This visualization shows the lifespans of the 4 most globally memorable Painters since 1700.