The Most Famous

FILM DIRECTORS from Kazakhstan

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This page contains a list of the greatest Kazakhstani Film Directors. The pantheon dataset contains 2,041 Film Directors, 1 of which were born in Kazakhstan. This makes Kazakhstan the birth place of the 75th most number of Film Directors behind Jamaica, and Mozambique.

Top 1

The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary Kazakhstani Film Directors of all time. This list of famous Kazakhstani Film Directors is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.

Photo of Timur Bekmambetov

1. Timur Bekmambetov (b. 1961)

With an HPI of 58.37, Timur Bekmambetov is the most famous Kazakhstani Film Director.  His biography has been translated into 33 different languages on wikipedia.

Timur Nuruakhitovich Bekmambetov (Russian: Тимур Нуруахитович Бекмамбетов, pronounced [tʲɪˈmur nʊrʊɐˈxʲitəvʲɪt͡ɕ bʲɪkmɐmˈbʲetəf]; Kazakh: Темір Нұрбақытұлы Бекмамбетoв, romanized: Temır Nūrbaqytūly Bekmambetov; born 25 June 1961) is a Kazakh-born Russian film director, producer, screenwriter, and tech entrepreneur. He is best known for the fantasy epic Night Watch (2004) and the action thriller Wanted (2008), as well as for the pioneering screenlife films Unfriended (2015), Searching (2018) and Profile (2018). He founded Baselevs, a production company that earned a spot among the 2021 World's 10 Most Innovative Companies in Video, according to Fast Company.


Pantheon has 1 people classified as Kazakhstani film directors born between 1961 and 1961. Of these 1, 1 (100.00%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living Kazakhstani film directors include Timur Bekmambetov.

Living Kazakhstani Film Directors

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