With 265 biographies, Celebrities are the 48th most common occupation in Pantheon, behind Fencers, Models, and Extremists.
Pantheon has 273 people classified as celebrities born between 3345 BC and 2013. Of these 273, 157 (57.51%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living celebrities include Caitlyn Jenner, Lina Medina, and Empress Michiko. The most famous deceased celebrities include Wallis Simpson, Ötzi, and Phineas Gage. As of April 2024, 54 new celebrities have been added to Pantheon including Myrtle Corbin, Stańczyk, and Titus van Rijn.
Living Celebrities
Go to all RankingsCaitlyn Jenner
1949 - Present
HPI: 80.16
Lina Medina
1933 - Present
HPI: 76.98
Empress Michiko
1934 - Present
HPI: 72.23
Monica Lewinsky
1973 - Present
HPI: 70.13
Kim Kardashian
1980 - Present
HPI: 68.18
Philippe Petit
1949 - Present
HPI: 66.44
Don King
1931 - Present
HPI: 66.19
Sultan Kösen
1982 - Present
HPI: 65.03
Armi Kuusela
1934 - Present
HPI: 64.91
Isabel Preysler
1951 - Present
HPI: 63.68
Paris Hilton
1981 - Present
HPI: 62.42
Kim Ung-yong
1963 - Present
HPI: 62.14
Deceased Celebrities
Go to all RankingsWallis Simpson
1896 - 1986
HPI: 82.63
3345 BC - 3255 BC
HPI: 82.06
Phineas Gage
1823 - 1860
HPI: 77.87
Jeanne Calment
1875 - 1997
HPI: 76.88
Kaspar Hauser
1812 - 1833
HPI: 75.34
Robert Wadlow
1918 - 1940
HPI: 75.01
Millvina Dean
1912 - 2009
HPI: 74.65
Geli Raubal
1908 - 1931
HPI: 73.61
Simonetta Vespucci
1453 - 1476
HPI: 73.61
Anna Nicole Smith
1967 - 2007
HPI: 73.15
Jon Brower Minnoch
1941 - 1983
HPI: 72.48
Maria von Trapp
1905 - 1987
HPI: 72.14
Newly Added Celebrities (2024)
Go to all RankingsMyrtle Corbin
1868 - 1928
HPI: 68.17
1480 - 1560
HPI: 64.47
Titus van Rijn
1641 - 1668
HPI: 63.14
Nicolas Chopin
1771 - 1844
HPI: 61.93
Daisy, Princess of Pless
1873 - 1943
HPI: 60.19
Aaron Kosminski
1865 - 1919
HPI: 59.49
John Rogan
1867 - 1905
HPI: 59.17
Mary Ann Bevan
1874 - 1933
HPI: 58.29
Marlene Schmidt
1937 - Present
HPI: 57.91
Apollonie Sabatier
1822 - 1890
HPI: 57.88
Settela Steinbach
1934 - 1944
HPI: 56.36
Hendrikje van Andel-Schipper
1890 - Present
HPI: 56.28
Most celebrities were born in United States (83), France (13), and United Kingdom (13). By city, the most common birth places were Los Angeles (4), New York City (4), and Vienna (3).The most common death places of celebrities were United States (47), France (11), and United Kingdom (9). By city, these were New York City (6), Paris (4), and Los Angeles (3).
Places Over Time
The earliest biographies classified as celebrities in Pantheon are Lindow Man, Tollund Man, and Ötzi. The concentration of celebrities was largest during the Television Era, which lasted from 1950 to 1989. Some birth or death locations for earlier celebrities are unknown, which may account for timeline differences below.
Which Celebrities were alive at the same time? This visualization shows the lifespans of the 25 most globally memorable Celebrities since 1700.