The Most Famous

ARTISTS from Austria

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This page contains a list of the greatest Austrian Artists. The pantheon dataset contains 125 Artists, 3 of which were born in Austria. This makes Austria the birth place of the 9th most number of Artists behind Italy, and Russia.

Top 5

The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary Austrian Artists of all time. This list of famous Austrian Artists is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.

Photo of Herbert Bayer

1. Herbert Bayer (1900 - 1985)

With an HPI of 57.49, Herbert Bayer is the most famous Austrian Artist.  His biography has been translated into 25 different languages on wikipedia.

Herbert Bayer (April 5, 1900 – September 30, 1985) was an Austrian and American graphic designer, painter, photographer, sculptor, art director, environmental and interior designer, and architect. He was instrumental in the development of the Atlantic Richfield Company's corporate art collection until his death in 1985.

Photo of Hermann Nitsch

2. Hermann Nitsch (1938 - 2022)

With an HPI of 57.32, Hermann Nitsch is the 2nd most famous Austrian Artist.  His biography has been translated into 20 different languages.

Hermann Nitsch (29 August 1938 – 18 April 2022) was an Austrian contemporary artist and composer. His art encompassed wide-scale performances incorporating theater, multimedia, rituals and acted violence. He was a leading figure of Viennese Actionism.

Photo of Gottfried Helnwein

3. Gottfried Helnwein (b. 1948)

With an HPI of 54.95, Gottfried Helnwein is the 3rd most famous Austrian Artist.  His biography has been translated into 27 different languages.

Gottfried Helnwein (born 8 October 1948) is an Austrian-Irish visual artist. He has worked as a painter, draftsman, photographer, muralist, sculptor, installation and performance artist, using a wide variety of techniques and media. His work is concerned primarily with psychological and sociological anxiety, historical issues and political topics. His subject matter is the human condition. The metaphor for his art is dominated by the image of the child, particularly the wounded child, scarred physically and emotionally from within. His works often reference taboo and controversial issues from recent history, especially the Nazi rule and the Holocaust. As a result, his work is often considered provocative and controversial. Helnwein has produced artworks for rock bands the Rolling Stones, Scorpions and Rammstein. He has also partnered with Marilyn Manson in the production of The Golden Age of Grotesque and other projects. Helnwein studied at the University of Visual Art in Vienna. He lives and works in Ireland, where he owns the Castle Gurteen de la Poer, and Los Angeles.

Photo of Günter Brus

4. Günter Brus (1938 - 2024)

With an HPI of 53.81, Günter Brus is the 4th most famous Austrian Artist.  His biography has been translated into 15 different languages.

Günter Brus (27 September 1938 – 10 February 2024) was an Austrian painter, performance artist, graphic artist, experimental filmmaker, and writer.

Photo of Antonie Brentano

5. Antonie Brentano (1780 - 1869)

With an HPI of 49.33, Antonie Brentano is the 5th most famous Austrian Artist.  Her biography has been translated into 16 different languages.

Antonie Brentano (28 May 1780 – 12 May 1869 in Frankfurt), born Johanna Antonie Josefa Edle von Birkenstock and known as Toni, was an Austrian philanthropist, art collector, arts patron, and close friend of Beethoven, being the dedicatee of his "Diabelli" variations.


Pantheon has 5 people classified as Austrian artists born between 1780 and 1948. Of these 5, 1 (20.00%) of them are still alive today. The most famous living Austrian artists include Gottfried Helnwein. The most famous deceased Austrian artists include Herbert Bayer, Hermann Nitsch, and Günter Brus. As of April 2024, 2 new Austrian artists have been added to Pantheon including Günter Brus, and Antonie Brentano.

Living Austrian Artists

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Deceased Austrian Artists

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Newly Added Austrian Artists (2024)

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Overlapping Lives

Which Artists were alive at the same time? This visualization shows the lifespans of the 4 most globally memorable Artists since 1700.