Wilhelm Kühne

1837 - 1900

Photo of Wilhelm Kühne

Icon of person Wilhelm Kühne

Wilhelm Friedrich Kühne (28 March 1837 – 10 June 1900) was a German physiologist. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Wilhelm Kühne has received more than 68,411 page views. His biography is available in 20 different languages on Wikipedia (up from 17 in 2019). Wilhelm Kühne is the 479th most popular physician (up from 504th in 2019), the 3,838th most popular biography from Germany (up from 3,957th in 2019) and the 82nd most popular German Physician.

Memorability Metrics

  • 68k

    Page Views (PV)

  • 50.74

    Historical Popularity Index (HPI)

  • 20

    Languages Editions (L)

  • 5.97

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 2.25

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)


Among physicians, Wilhelm Kühne ranks 479 out of 726Before him are Antonio Bertoloni, Gustav Hartlaub, Richard Bright, Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard, Antonio Scarpa, and Anna Kuliscioff. After him are Ruth Pfau, Max Gerson, Nicolás Monardes, Rutherford Alcock, Wim Eijk, and Karin Büttner-Janz.

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Among people born in 1837, Wilhelm Kühne ranks 75Before him are Henry Becque, Altaf Hussain Hali, Theodore Gill, Amelia Dyer, Ignatz Kolisch, and Francis Marrash. After him are Jorge Isaacs, Charles Yerkes, Tigran Chukhajian, Mary Harris Jones, Elizabeth Jane Gardner, and Wilhelm Lexis. Among people deceased in 1900, Wilhelm Kühne ranks 65Before him are Leonhard Graf von Blumenthal, Dmitry Grigorovich, Alexandre Falguière, Leonardo Murialdo, Gustav Hartlaub, and Antoine Vollon. After him are Carl Lange, Karl Doppler, Alexandre de Serpa Pinto, Sigbjørn Obstfelder, Edmond de Sélys Longchamps, and Gustaf Åkerhielm.

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In Germany

Among people born in Germany, Wilhelm Kühne ranks 3,838 out of 7,253Before him are Princess Ernestine of Saxe-Weimar (1740), Karl Hein (1908), Irmgard Keun (1905), Otto von Münchhausen (1716), Albert Bassermann (1867), and Rudolf von Bünau (1890). After him are Ruth Pfau (1929), Heinrich XXVII, Prince Reuss Younger Line (1858), Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt (1900), Friedrich von Ingenohl (1857), Princess Therese of Nassau-Weilburg (1815), and Johann Most (1846).

Among PHYSICIANS In Germany

Among physicians born in Germany, Wilhelm Kühne ranks 82Before him are Oskar Vogt (1870), Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen (1833), Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland (1762), Friedrich von Huene (1875), Friedrich von Esmarch (1823), and Gustav Hartlaub (1814). After him are Ruth Pfau (1929), Karin Büttner-Janz (1952), Johann Gottlieb Gleditsch (1714), Kurt Blome (1894), Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar (1786), and Frederic Lewy (1885).