Juan José Campanella

1959 - Today

Photo of Juan José Campanella

Icon of person Juan José Campanella

Juan José Campanella (born 19 July 1959) is an Argentine television and film director, writer and producer. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Juan José Campanella has received more than 186,361 page views. His biography is available in 21 different languages on Wikipedia. Juan José Campanella is the 1,146th most popular film director (down from 1,092nd in 2019), the 469th most popular biography from Argentina (down from 418th in 2019) and the 6th most popular Argentinean Film Director.

Memorability Metrics

  • 190k

    Page Views (PV)

  • 46.95

    Historical Popularity Index (HPI)

  • 21

    Languages Editions (L)

  • 3.37

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 2.87

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)


Among film directors, Juan José Campanella ranks 1,146 out of 2,041Before him are Oleg Sentsov, Chuck Russell, Gabriele Salvatores, Jon Turteltaub, Frederic Zelnik, and Radu Mihăileanu. After him are Jonathan Glazer, Rachid Bouchareb, E. A. Dupont, William Castle, Jia Zhangke, and María Luisa Bemberg.

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Among people born in 1959, Juan José Campanella ranks 283Before him are Kevin Gage, Ameenah Gurib, Hennadiy Kernes, Hallgrímur Helgason, Jim Kerr, and Beth Broderick. After him are Peter Doig, Vladimir Yashchenko, Thomas Allofs, Rineke Dijkstra, Jadranko Prlić, and Barbara Krause.

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In Argentina

Among people born in Argentina, Juan José Campanella ranks 469 out of 1,154Before him are Willy Caballero (1981), Eliseo Mouriño (1927), Pablo Zabaleta (1985), Roberto Mieres (1924), Ludovico Avio (1932), and Alberto Ohaco (1889). After him are Héctor Méndez (1897), Ezequiel Garay (1986), Oscar Casanovas (1914), Carlos Mayor (1965), María Luisa Bemberg (1922), and Roberto Goyeneche (1926).

Among FILM DIRECTORS In Argentina

Among film directors born in Argentina, Juan José Campanella ranks 6Before him are Gaspar Noé (1963), Héctor Babenco (1946), Fernando Solanas (1936), Luis Puenzo (1946), and Fernando Birri (1925). After him are María Luisa Bemberg (1922), Nelly Kaplan (1931), Leopoldo Torre Nilsson (1924), Lucrecia Martel (1966), Andy Muschietti (1973), and Damián Szifron (1975).
