Jüri Järvet

1919 - 1995

Photo of Jüri Järvet

Icon of person Jüri Järvet

Jüri Järvet (18 June 1919 – 5 July 1995) was an Estonian actor. His name sometimes appears as Yuri Yevgenyevich Yarvet, an incorrect back-transliteration from the Russian transliteration Юри Евгеньевич Ярвет. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Jüri Järvet has received more than 66,464 page views. His biography is available in 18 different languages on Wikipedia (up from 17 in 2019). Jüri Järvet is the 2,686th most popular actor (up from 3,146th in 2019), the 78th most popular biography from Estonia (up from 98th in 2019) and the 2nd most popular Estonian Actor.

Memorability Metrics

  • 66k

    Page Views (PV)

  • 52.11

    Historical Popularity Index (HPI)

  • 18

    Languages Editions (L)

  • 4.06

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 2.43

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)


Among actors, Jüri Järvet ranks 2,686 out of 13,578Before him are Moses Gunn, Don Adams, Jackie Earle Haley, Patrick Troughton, Adrienne Barbeau, and Ray Cooney. After him are Harrison Ford, Anne Francis, Alexandra Daddario, Lois Smith, Sandrine Bonnaire, and Rainn Wilson.

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Among people born in 1919, Jüri Järvet ranks 158Before him are Maurice Hilleman, Dan O'Herlihy, Mariano Martín, Merce Cunningham, Tamara Toumanova, and Hermann Bondi. After him are Igor Gouzenko, Oswaldo Guayasamín, Hans Hermann Groër, Galina Ustvolskaya, Julia Robinson, and Laila Schou Nilsen. Among people deceased in 1995, Jüri Järvet ranks 150Before him are John Brunner, Dany Robin, Vladimir Ivashov, Ashapurna Devi, Jesús Garay, and Friz Freleng. After him are Willem Frederik Hermans, Ioannis Alevras, Claudio Brook, Ingo Schwichtenberg, Pál Kovács, and Eva Gabor.

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In Estonia

Among people born in Estonia, Jüri Järvet ranks 78 out of 351Before him are Alexander von Benckendorff (1782), Hella Wuolijoki (1886), Eduard Vilde (1865), Heino Eller (1887), Käbi Laretei (1922), and Kazimierz Świątek (1914). After him are Jüri Tarmak (1946), Kaarel Eenpalu (1888), Alfons Rebane (1908), Eugen Dücker (1841), Jaan Anvelt (1884), and Paavo Järvi (1962).

Among ACTORS In Estonia

Among actors born in Estonia, Jüri Järvet ranks 2Before him are Ita Ever (1931). After him are Eve Kivi (1938), Lenna Kuurmaa (1985), Johann Urb (1977), Kirill Käro (1975), Merle Jääger (1965), and Andrey Batt (1985).

Television and Movie Roles