The Most Famous
PAINTERS from Bulgaria
This page contains a list of the greatest Bulgarian Painters. The pantheon dataset contains 2,023 Painters, 2 of which were born in Bulgaria. This makes Bulgaria the birth place of the 54th most number of Painters behind South Korea, and Israel.
Top 2
The following people are considered by Pantheon to be the most legendary Bulgarian Painters of all time. This list of famous Bulgarian Painters is sorted by HPI (Historical Popularity Index), a metric that aggregates information on a biography’s online popularity.
1. Jules Pascin (1885 - 1930)
With an HPI of 64.54, Jules Pascin is the most famous Bulgarian Painter. His biography has been translated into 26 different languages on wikipedia.
Julius Mordecai Pincas (March 31, 1885 – June 5, 1930), known as Pascin (French: [pas.kin], erroneously [pas.kɛ̃] or [pa.sɛ̃]), Jules Pascin, also known as the "Prince of Montparnasse", was a Bulgarian artist of the School of Paris, known for his paintings and drawings. He later became an American citizen. His most frequent subject was women, depicted in casual poses, usually nude or partly dressed. Pascin was educated in Vienna and Munich. He traveled for a time in the United States, spending most of his time in the South. He is best known as a Parisian painter, who associated with the artistic circles of Montparnasse, and was one of the emigres of the School of Paris. Having struggled with depression and alcoholism, he died by suicide at the age of 45.
2. Vladimir Dimitrov (1882 - 1960)
With an HPI of 54.37, Vladimir Dimitrov is the 2nd most famous Bulgarian Painter. His biography has been translated into 15 different languages.
Vladimir "the Master/Maystora" Dimitrov Poppetrov (Bulgarian: Владимир Димитров — Майстора) (1 February 1882 – 29 September 1960), was a Bulgarian painter, draughtsman and teacher. He is considered one of the most talented 20th century Bulgarian painters and probably the most remarkable stylist in Bulgarian painting in the post-Russo-Turkish War era.
Pantheon has 2 people classified as Bulgarian painters born between 1882 and 1885. Of these 2, none of them are still alive today. The most famous deceased Bulgarian painters include Jules Pascin, and Vladimir Dimitrov.