SINGERS that died in
This page contains a list of the most famous people who died in 2017. The pantheon dataset contains 692 who passed this year, the most famous by HPI being Johnny Hallyday, Glen Campbell, Al Jarreau, Chester Bennington, and Chris Cornell. The cities with the most deaths were Amsterdam (1), Berlin (1), and Cologne (1).
2017 Deaths: Honoring Lives and Legacies of Singers
The year 2017 saw the passing of many beloved singers, leaving behind legacies that continue to inspire fans across the globe. From legendary actors like and iconic musicians like Johnny Hallyday, Glen Campbell, and Al Jarreau to groundbreaking athletes like , these remarkable individuals have made a lasting impact in their fields. This page is dedicated to commemorating the lives of those we lost in 2017, celebrating their achievements and remembering their contributions to art, culture, and history. Below are the list of the most famous people to have died in 2017 based on cultural impact.
Johnny Hallyday
French Singer
Jun 15, 1943 - Dec 6, 2017
Age 74
HPI: 71.79
Glen Campbell
American Singer
Apr 22, 1936 - Aug 8, 2017
Age 81
HPI: 70.77
Al Jarreau
American Singer
Mar 12, 1940 - Feb 12, 2017
Age 77
HPI: 67.70
Chester Bennington
American Singer
Mar 20, 1976 - Jul 20, 2017
Age 41
HPI: 67.65
Chris Cornell
American Singer
Jul 20, 1964 - May 18, 2017
Age 53
HPI: 65.41
Nicolai Gedda
Swedish Singer
Jul 11, 1925 - Jan 8, 2017
Age 92
HPI: 65.15
Loalwa Braz
Brazilian Singer
Jun 3, 1953 - Jan 19, 2017
Age 64
HPI: 64.02
Dmitri Hvorostovsky
Russian Singer
Oct 16, 1962 - Nov 22, 2017
Age 55
HPI: 61.73
John Wetton
British Singer
Jun 12, 1949 - Jan 31, 2017
Age 68
HPI: 60.82
Kurt Moll
German Singer
Apr 11, 1938 - Mar 5, 2017
Age 79
HPI: 58.70
Gregg Allman
American Singer
Dec 8, 1947 - May 27, 2017
Age 70
HPI: 58.46
Chiquito de la Calzada
Spanish Singer
May 28, 1932 - Nov 11, 2017
Age 85
HPI: 57.96
American Singer
Nov 2, 1974 - Jun 20, 2017
Age 43
HPI: 57.69
Girija Devi
Indian Singer
Aug 5, 1929 - Oct 24, 2017
Age 88
HPI: 57.37
Margot Hielscher
German Singer
Sep 29, 1919 - Aug 20, 2017
Age 98
HPI: 56.98
Sandra Reemer
Indonesian Singer
Oct 17, 1950 - Jun 6, 2017
Age 67
HPI: 55.24
Deaths by Month in 2017
January 2017
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in January of 2017. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in January were Nicolai Gedda (HPI: 65.15), Loalwa Braz (HPI: 64.02), and John Wetton (HPI: 60.82).
February 2017
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in February of 2017. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in February were Al Jarreau (HPI: 67.70).
March 2017
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in March of 2017. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in March were Kurt Moll (HPI: 58.70).
April 2017
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in April of 2017. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in April were Kishori Amonkar (HPI: 47.20).
May 2017
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in May of 2017. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in May were Chris Cornell (HPI: 65.41), Gregg Allman (HPI: 58.46), and Katy Bødtger (HPI: 53.66).
June 2017
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in June of 2017. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in June were Prodigy (HPI: 57.69), and Sandra Reemer (HPI: 55.24).
July 2017
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in July of 2017. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in July were Chester Bennington (HPI: 67.65), Chris Roberts (HPI: 54.34), and Ferry Graf (HPI: 52.65).
August 2017
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in August of 2017. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in August were Glen Campbell (HPI: 70.77), Margot Hielscher (HPI: 56.98), and Seija Simola (HPI: 50.80).
September 2017
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in September of 2017. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in September were Leonid Kharitonov (HPI: 54.91), Joy Fleming (HPI: 53.79), and Charles Bradley (HPI: 52.45).
October 2017
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in October of 2017. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in October were Girija Devi (HPI: 57.37).
November 2017
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in November of 2017. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in November were Dmitri Hvorostovsky (HPI: 61.73), Chiquito de la Calzada (HPI: 57.96), and Lil Peep (HPI: 53.98).
December 2017
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in December of 2017. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in December were Johnny Hallyday (HPI: 71.79), Warrel Dane (HPI: 47.71), and Keely Smith (HPI: 47.64).