ATHLETES that died in
This page contains a list of the most famous people who died in 2013. The pantheon dataset contains 560 who passed this year, the most famous by HPI being Pietro Mennea, Pyotr Bolotnikov, Angela Voigt, Alain Mimoun, and Olga Gyarmati. The cities with the most deaths were Moscow (2), Rome (2), and Gothenburg (1).
2013 Deaths: Honoring Lives and Legacies of Athletes
The year 2013 saw the passing of many beloved athletes, leaving behind legacies that continue to inspire fans across the globe. From legendary actors like and iconic musicians like to groundbreaking athletes like Pietro Mennea, Pyotr Bolotnikov, and Angela Voigt, these remarkable individuals have made a lasting impact in their fields. This page is dedicated to commemorating the lives of those we lost in 2013, celebrating their achievements and remembering their contributions to art, culture, and history. Below are the list of the most famous people to have died in 2013 based on cultural impact.
Pietro Mennea
Italian Athlete
Jun 28, 1952 - Mar 21, 2013
Age 61
HPI: 62.35
Pyotr Bolotnikov
Russian Athlete
Mar 8, 1930 - Dec 20, 2013
Age 83
HPI: 60.67
Angela Voigt
German Athlete
May 18, 1951 - Apr 11, 2013
Age 62
HPI: 59.83
Alain Mimoun
Algerian Athlete
Jan 1, 1921 - Jun 27, 2013
Age 92
HPI: 58.85
Olga Gyarmati
Hungarian Athlete
Oct 5, 1924 - Oct 27, 2013
Age 89
HPI: 57.15
Viktor Tsybulenko
Ukrainian Athlete
Jul 13, 1930 - Oct 19, 2013
Age 83
HPI: 57.02
John Thomas
American Athlete
Mar 3, 1941 - Jan 15, 2013
Age 72
HPI: 55.98
Ann-Britt Leyman
Swedish Athlete
Jun 10, 1922 - Jan 5, 2013
Age 91
HPI: 55.83
Imre Nagy
Feb 21, 1933 - Oct 20, 2013
Age 80
HPI: 55.66
Ottavio Missoni
Croatian Athlete
Feb 11, 1921 - May 9, 2013
Age 92
HPI: 54.86
Hartmut Briesenick
German Athlete
Mar 17, 1949 - Mar 8, 2013
Age 64
HPI: 54.72
Raimondo D'Inzeo
Italian Athlete
Feb 8, 1925 - Nov 15, 2013
Age 88
HPI: 54.28
Mirja Hietamies
Finnish Athlete
Jan 7, 1931 - Mar 14, 2013
Age 82
HPI: 53.47
Nino Bibbia
Italian Athlete
Mar 15, 1922 - May 28, 2013
Age 91
HPI: 52.62
Eero Kolehmainen
Finnish Athlete
Mar 24, 1918 - Dec 7, 2013
Age 95
HPI: 51.80
Edward Stevens
American Athlete
Sep 15, 1932 - Jun 9, 2013
Age 81
HPI: 51.51
Deaths by Month in 2013
January 2013
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in January of 2013. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in January were John Thomas (HPI: 55.98), Ann-Britt Leyman (HPI: 55.83), and Noé Hernández (HPI: 37.29).
March 2013
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in March of 2013. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in March were Pietro Mennea (HPI: 62.35), Hartmut Briesenick (HPI: 54.72), and Mirja Hietamies (HPI: 53.47).
Sabine Bischoff
Mar 6, 2013
German Athlete
HPI: 45.93
Hartmut Briesenick
Mar 8, 2013
German Athlete
HPI: 54.72
Mirja Hietamies
Mar 14, 2013
Finnish Athlete
HPI: 53.47
Pietro Mennea
Mar 21, 2013
Italian Athlete
HPI: 62.35
Ernest Chapman
Mar 21, 2013
Australian Athlete
HPI: 47.19
Jean Pickering
Mar 25, 2013
British Athlete
HPI: 43.40
Soraya Jiménez
Mar 28, 2013
Mexican Athlete
HPI: 42.55
Ronnie Ray Smith
Mar 31, 2013
American Athlete
HPI: 51.05
April 2013
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in April of 2013. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in April were Angela Voigt (HPI: 59.83), and Stan Vickers (HPI: 51.26).
May 2013
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in May of 2013. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in May were Ottavio Missoni (HPI: 54.86), Nino Bibbia (HPI: 52.62), and Michel Knuysen (HPI: 51.34).
June 2013
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in June of 2013. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in June were Alain Mimoun (HPI: 58.85), Edward Stevens (HPI: 51.51), and Vasile Tiță (HPI: 50.32).
July 2013
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in July of 2013. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in July were Todd Bennett (HPI: 39.23).
August 2013
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in August of 2013. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in August were Kauko Hänninen (HPI: 50.63).
September 2013
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in September of 2013. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in September were Stanisław Szozda (HPI: 48.94), and Igor Romishevsky (HPI: 47.74).
October 2013
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in October of 2013. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in October were Olga Gyarmati (HPI: 57.15), Viktor Tsybulenko (HPI: 57.02), and Imre Nagy (HPI: 55.66).
November 2013
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in November of 2013. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in November were Raimondo D'Inzeo (HPI: 54.28), Taisia Chenchik (HPI: 50.95), and Hakon Barfod (HPI: 50.04).
December 2013
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in December of 2013. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in December were Pyotr Bolotnikov (HPI: 60.67), Eero Kolehmainen (HPI: 51.80), and Nadezhda Ilyina (HPI: 49.66).