SINGERS that died in
This page contains a list of the most famous people who died in 2011. The pantheon dataset contains 538 who passed this year, the most famous by HPI being Cesária Évora, Pinetop Perkins, Facundo Cabral, Violetta Villas, and Montserrat Figueras. The cities with the most deaths were Austin, Texas (1), Alicante (1), and Copenhagen (1).
2011 Deaths: Honoring Lives and Legacies of Singers
The year 2011 saw the passing of many beloved singers, leaving behind legacies that continue to inspire fans across the globe. From legendary actors like and iconic musicians like Cesária Évora, Pinetop Perkins, and Facundo Cabral to groundbreaking athletes like , these remarkable individuals have made a lasting impact in their fields. This page is dedicated to commemorating the lives of those we lost in 2011, celebrating their achievements and remembering their contributions to art, culture, and history. Below are the list of the most famous people to have died in 2011 based on cultural impact.
Cesária Évora
Aug 27, 1941 - Dec 17, 2011
Age 70
HPI: 76.47
Pinetop Perkins
American Singer
Jul 7, 1913 - Mar 21, 2011
Age 98
HPI: 63.60
Facundo Cabral
Argentinean Singer
May 22, 1937 - Jul 9, 2011
Age 74
HPI: 61.67
Violetta Villas
Belgian Singer
Jun 10, 1938 - Dec 5, 2011
Age 73
HPI: 61.22
Montserrat Figueras
Spanish Singer
Mar 15, 1942 - Nov 23, 2011
Age 69
HPI: 60.21
Andrea True
American Singer
Jul 26, 1943 - Nov 7, 2011
Age 68
HPI: 60.08
Sena Jurinac
Bosnian, Herzegovinian Singer
Oct 24, 1921 - Nov 22, 2011
Age 90
HPI: 59.31
Ingvar Wixell
Swedish Singer
May 7, 1931 - Oct 8, 2011
Age 80
HPI: 58.59
Jagjit Singh
Indian Singer
Feb 8, 1941 - Oct 10, 2011
Age 70
HPI: 58.19
Bhimsen Joshi
Indian Singer
Feb 4, 1922 - Jan 24, 2011
Age 89
HPI: 58.13
Nilla Pizzi
Italian Singer
Apr 16, 1919 - Mar 12, 2011
Age 92
HPI: 56.73
Gil Scott-Heron
American Singer
Apr 1, 1949 - May 27, 2011
Age 62
HPI: 56.25
Nate Dogg
American Singer
Aug 19, 1969 - Mar 15, 2011
Age 42
HPI: 56.03
Margaret Price
British Singer
Apr 13, 1941 - Jan 28, 2011
Age 70
HPI: 55.50
Bob Benny
Belgian Singer
May 18, 1926 - Mar 29, 2011
Age 85
HPI: 54.83
Joe Arroyo
Colombian Singer
Nov 1, 1955 - Jul 26, 2011
Age 56
HPI: 54.02
Deaths by Month in 2011
January 2011
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in January of 2011. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in January were Bhimsen Joshi (HPI: 58.13), Margaret Price (HPI: 55.50), and Flemming Jørgensen (HPI: 50.66).
Flemming Jørgensen
Jan 1, 2011
Danish Singer
HPI: 50.66
Margaret Whiting
Jan 10, 2011
American Singer
HPI: 48.10
Hira Devi Waiba
Jan 19, 2011
Indian Singer
HPI: 44.14
Bhimsen Joshi
Jan 24, 2011
Indian Singer
HPI: 58.13
Mārtiņš Freimanis
Jan 27, 2011
Latvian Singer
HPI: 40.25
Margaret Price
Jan 28, 2011
British Singer
HPI: 55.50
March 2011
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in March of 2011. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in March were Pinetop Perkins (HPI: 63.60), Nilla Pizzi (HPI: 56.73), and Nate Dogg (HPI: 56.03).
April 2011
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in April of 2011. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in April were Poly Styrene (HPI: 45.47).
May 2011
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in May of 2011. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in May were Gil Scott-Heron (HPI: 56.25), and Kathy Kirby (HPI: 49.81).
July 2011
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in July of 2011. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in July were Facundo Cabral (HPI: 61.67), and Joe Arroyo (HPI: 54.02).
August 2011
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in August of 2011. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in August were Ellen Winther (HPI: 53.64).
September 2011
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in September of 2011. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in September were Salvatore Licitra (HPI: 46.83).
October 2011
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in October of 2011. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in October were Ingvar Wixell (HPI: 58.59), Jagjit Singh (HPI: 58.19), and Edmundo Ros (HPI: 53.98).
November 2011
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in November of 2011. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in November were Montserrat Figueras (HPI: 60.21), Andrea True (HPI: 60.08), and Sena Jurinac (HPI: 59.31).
December 2011
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in December of 2011. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in December were Cesária Évora (HPI: 76.47), Violetta Villas (HPI: 61.22), and Mălina Olinescu (HPI: 46.68).