WRITERS that died in
This page contains a list of the most famous people who died in 2000. The pantheon dataset contains 361 who passed this year, the most famous by HPI being A. E. van Vogt, Giorgio Bassani, Barbara Cartland, Pierre Plantard, and Fulcanelli. The cities with the most deaths were Vienna (2), Madrid (2), and Berlin (1).
2000 Deaths: Honoring Lives and Legacies of Writers
The year 2000 saw the passing of many beloved writers, leaving behind legacies that continue to inspire fans across the globe. From legendary actors like and iconic musicians like to groundbreaking athletes like , these remarkable individuals have made a lasting impact in their fields. This page is dedicated to commemorating the lives of those we lost in 2000, celebrating their achievements and remembering their contributions to art, culture, and history. Below are the list of the most famous people to have died in 2000 based on cultural impact.
A. E. van Vogt
Canadian Writer
Apr 26, 1912 - Jan 26, 2000
Age 88
HPI: 65.42
Giorgio Bassani
Italian Writer
Mar 4, 1916 - Apr 13, 2000
Age 84
HPI: 63.84
Barbara Cartland
British Writer
Jul 9, 1901 - May 21, 2000
Age 99
HPI: 63.44
Pierre Plantard
French Writer
Mar 18, 1920 - Feb 3, 2000
Age 80
HPI: 63.27
Jan 1, 1900 - Jan 1, 2000
Age 100
HPI: 62.79
Yehuda Amichai
German Writer
May 3, 1924 - Sep 22, 2000
Age 76
HPI: 62.26
Patrick O'Brian
British Writer
Dec 12, 1914 - Jan 2, 2000
Age 86
HPI: 61.91
Roger Peyrefitte
French Writer
Aug 17, 1907 - Nov 5, 2000
Age 93
HPI: 61.69
Terence McKenna
American Writer
Nov 16, 1946 - Apr 3, 2000
Age 54
HPI: 61.24
Ahmad Shamlou
Iranian Writer
Dec 12, 1925 - Jul 23, 2000
Age 75
HPI: 61.04
Ursula Kuczynski
German Writer
May 15, 1907 - Jul 7, 2000
Age 93
HPI: 60.75
L. Sprague de Camp
American Writer
Nov 27, 1907 - Nov 6, 2000
Age 93
HPI: 60.55
Penelope Fitzgerald
British Writer
Dec 17, 1916 - Apr 28, 2000
Age 84
HPI: 60.48
Edward Gorey
American Writer
Feb 22, 1925 - Apr 15, 2000
Age 75
HPI: 59.04
Jerzy Giedroyc
Belarusian Writer
Jul 27, 1906 - Sep 14, 2000
Age 94
HPI: 58.83
Jean-Claude Izzo
French Writer
Jun 20, 1945 - Jan 26, 2000
Age 55
HPI: 58.50
Deaths by Month in 2000
January 2000
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in January of 2000. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in January were A. E. van Vogt (HPI: 65.42), Fulcanelli (HPI: 62.79), and Patrick O'Brian (HPI: 61.91).
February 2000
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in February of 2000. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in February were Pierre Plantard (HPI: 63.27), Göran Tunström (HPI: 53.99), and James Cooke Brown (HPI: 51.83).
March 2000
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in March of 2000. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in March were Kazimierz Brandys (HPI: 53.23), and Anthony Powell (HPI: 51.90).
April 2000
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in April of 2000. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in April were Giorgio Bassani (HPI: 63.84), Terence McKenna (HPI: 61.24), and Penelope Fitzgerald (HPI: 60.48).
Terence McKenna
Apr 3, 2000
American Writer
HPI: 61.24
Tony Cliff
Apr 9, 2000
Israeli Writer
HPI: 54.66
Giorgio Bassani
Apr 13, 2000
Italian Writer
HPI: 63.84
Edward Gorey
Apr 15, 2000
American Writer
HPI: 59.04
Penelope Fitzgerald
Apr 28, 2000
British Writer
HPI: 60.48
Antonio Buero Vallejo
Apr 29, 2000
Spanish Writer
HPI: 57.53
May 2000
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in May of 2000. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in May were Barbara Cartland (HPI: 63.44).
June 2000
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in June of 2000. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in June were Frédéric Dard (HPI: 58.25), Ernst Jandl (HPI: 57.66), and Jules Roy (HPI: 52.53).
July 2000
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in July of 2000. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in July were Ahmad Shamlou (HPI: 61.04), Ursula Kuczynski (HPI: 60.75), and Carmen Martín Gaite (HPI: 57.47).
August 2000
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in August of 2000. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in August were Ali Sardar Jafri (HPI: 48.07).
September 2000
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in September of 2000. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in September were Yehuda Amichai (HPI: 62.26), Jerzy Giedroyc (HPI: 58.83), and Stanislav Stratiev (HPI: 54.30).
Curt Siodmak
Sep 2, 2000
German Writer
HPI: 53.76
Jerzy Giedroyc
Sep 14, 2000
Belarusian Writer
HPI: 58.83
Paula Yates
Sep 17, 2000
British Writer
HPI: 53.10
Stanislav Stratiev
Sep 20, 2000
Bulgarian Writer
HPI: 54.30
Iskandar Khatloni
Sep 21, 2000
Tadzhik Writer
HPI: 49.79
Yehuda Amichai
Sep 22, 2000
German Writer
HPI: 62.26
R. S. Thomas
Sep 25, 2000
British Writer
HPI: 48.07
November 2000
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in November of 2000. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in November were Roger Peyrefitte (HPI: 61.69), L. Sprague de Camp (HPI: 60.55), and Malcolm Bradbury (HPI: 52.06).
December 2000
The following is a chronological list of the most famous people to have died in December of 2000. Sorted by popularity, the most famous people to pass away in December were H. C. Artmann (HPI: 55.48), Jacques Laurent (HPI: 53.91), and Gwendolyn Brooks (HPI: 52.72).