Marie Popelin

1846 - 1913

Photo of Marie Popelin

Icon of person Marie Popelin

Marie Popelin (16 December 1846 – 5 June 1913) was a Belgian jurist and early feminist political campaigner. Popelin worked with Isabelle Gatti de Gamond in the development of women's education and, in 1888, became the first Belgian woman to receive a doctorate in law. After her accession to the bar was refused, Popelin went on to have an active career as the leader of the Belgian League for Women's Rights. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Marie Popelin has received more than 29,742 page views. Her biography is available in 19 different languages on Wikipedia (up from 17 in 2019). Marie Popelin is the 379th most popular social activist (up from 381st in 2019), the 489th most popular biography from Belgium (down from 485th in 2019) and the 2nd most popular Belgian Social Activist.

Memorability Metrics

  • 30k

    Page Views (PV)

  • 51.34

    Historical Popularity Index (HPI)

  • 19

    Languages Editions (L)

  • 5.48

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 1.97

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)

Page views of Marie Popelins by language

Over the past year Marie Popelin has had the most page views in the with 4,502 views, followed by French (4,305), and English (2,590). In terms of yearly growth of page views the top 3 wikpedia editions are West Frisian (132.14%), Malayalam (91.40%), and Persian (77.68%)


Among social activists, Marie Popelin ranks 379 out of 840Before her are Gulnara Karimova, Katarina Taikon, Maria Nikiforova, Sergei Petrovich Trubetskoy, Tatyana Baramzina, and Marsha P. Johnson. After her are Germaine Tillion, Pingali Venkayya, Anita Augspurg, Otto Warmbier, Ivan Bolotnikov, and Claudette Colvin.

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Among people born in 1846, Marie Popelin ranks 71Before her are Martin Wegelius, Georg, Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe, Max von Hausen, Heinrich XXII, Prince Reuss of Greiz, Anna Kingsford, and Lewis Boss. After her are William Robertson Smith, Basil III of Constantinople, Friedrich Paulsen, Johann Most, Whitcomb L. Judson, and Giuseppe De Nittis. Among people deceased in 1913, Marie Popelin ranks 59Before her are Karl Wittgenstein, Mikoláš Aleš, Heinrich Martin Weber, Étienne Laspeyres, Léon Teisserenc de Bort, and Edwin Klebs. After her are Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino, Felix Draeseke, Johannes Linnankoski, Angelo de Gubernatis, Jacob Brønnum Scavenius Estrup, and Konstantinos Tsiklitiras.

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In Belgium

Among people born in Belgium, Marie Popelin ranks 489 out of 1,190Before her are Yolande Moreau (1953), Adam van Noort (1562), Peter Jan Beckx (1795), Louis Van Hege (1889), Henri Anspach (1882), and Jean Van Hamme (1939). After her are Peter Benoit (1834), Sophie Wilmès (1975), Charles Jean de la Vallée Poussin (1866), Marouane Fellaini (1987), Felix Timmermans (1886), and Tony Parker (1982).


Among social activists born in Belgium, Marie Popelin ranks 2Before her are Dominique Pire (1910). After her are Gabrielle Petit (1893), Henry Spira (1927), and Anuna De Wever (2001).