Emiliano González Navero

1861 - 1934

Photo of Emiliano González Navero

Icon of person Emiliano González Navero

Emiliano González Navero (16 June 1861 – 18 October 1934) was a Paraguayan politician of the Liberal Party, he served as President of Paraguay on three occasions and as Vice President of Paraguay on two occasions. Read more on Wikipedia

Since 2007, the English Wikipedia page of Emiliano González Navero has received more than 22,538 page views. His biography is available in 16 different languages on Wikipedia. Emiliano González Navero is the 16,113th most popular politician (down from 14,965th in 2019), the 69th most popular biography from Paraguay (down from 64th in 2019) and the 42nd most popular Paraguayan Politician.

Memorability Metrics

  • 23k

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  • 44.66

    Historical Popularity Index (HPI)

  • 16

    Languages Editions (L)

  • 2.93

    Effective Languages (L*)

  • 2.72

    Coefficient of Variation (CV)


Among politicians, Emiliano González Navero ranks 16,113 out of 19,576Before him are John A. Costello, Jim Risch, Shōichi Nakagawa, Mary Arthur McElroy, Hubert Minnis, and Wopke Hoekstra. After him are Carlos Eugenio Restrepo, Andrés Héctor Carvallo, Hiram Johnson, Philippa of Armenia, Carlos Manuel Piedra, and Stojan Župljanin.

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Among people born in 1861, Emiliano González Navero ranks 145Before him are Federico De Roberto, Aimé Haegeman, Louis Eugène Roy, Almroth Wright, Thomas Heath, and Zoltán Ambrus. After him are José Gil Fortoul, Vasily Goncharov, Alice Hathaway Lee Roosevelt, Rudolf Stöger-Steiner von Steinstätten, Feodor Yulievich Levinson-Lessing, and Ivar Otto Bendixson. Among people deceased in 1934, Emiliano González Navero ranks 156Before him are Cass Gilbert, Hélène Boucher, Leonid Sobinov, Arthur Surridge Hunt, Lou Tellegen, and Davidson Black. After him are Andrés Héctor Carvallo, Arthur Schuster, John Brinck, Edgeworth David, Júlia Lopes de Almeida, and Joel Lehtonen.

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In Paraguay

Among people born in Paraguay, Emiliano González Navero ranks 69 out of 203Before him are Pedro Benítez (1901), Guido Alvarenga (1970), Felipe Molas López (1901), Eligio Ayala (1879), Ignacio Achúcarro (1936), and Roberto Cabañas (1961). After him are Andrés Héctor Carvallo (1862), Juan Lezcano (1937), Santiago Peña (1978), Casiano Delvalle (1970), Amadeo Ortega (null), and Roberto Fernández (1954).

Among POLITICIANS In Paraguay

Among politicians born in Paraguay, Emiliano González Navero ranks 42Before him are Juan Manuel Frutos (1879), Benigno Ferreira (1846), Juan Bautista Egusquiza (1845), José Patricio Guggiari (1884), Felipe Molas López (1901), and Eligio Ayala (1879). After him are Andrés Héctor Carvallo (1862), Juan Antonio Escurra (1859), Liberato Marcial Rojas (1870), and Albino Jara (1877).